Upscale is an open 'platform as a service' provider. It will deploy new hosts, start application containers and rebalance containers. Containers can be runned always on multiple different hosts, ensuring availability.
Our goal is to create an application platform where you don't have to think about hosts, scaling and deployment. The application platform will scale up and down new containers and new hosts when necessary, without downtime or any notice.
Upscale consist of namespaces, applications, runtime and containers. A company can have its own namespace, from within this namespace multiple applications can be created. A deployment of an application is done using containers. A container is an instance of a runtime, for running php, python or ruby. Multiple containers can be active.
- Ubuntu 13.04
- Amazon EC2 (for starting new hosts, and retrieving host information)
- (External) git repository (e.g. github)
wget -qO- | python
python --host {host1,host2} -u {username} -i {identity}
screen . env/activate/bin python bin/
screen . env/activate/bin python bin/
You can use Github Issues, or join us on Freenode in #upcale.
- we can create namespaces with applications
- repositories are created
- app.yaml is being verified by each push
- load is balanced through the hosts and containers
- containers are started by the host
Each application is started within an LXC container, added to the loadbalancer and made available through the public dns.
Yes! We've got a lot of work to do, so all contributions are highly appreciated. You fork, we'll do the pulling.
Runtimes are located in the data/runtimes directory. These are yaml configurations, and can be easily added.
- PHP 5.3
- Amazon EC2 (currently we're using the ec2 cloud for running hosts)
- Ubuntu 13.04 (this is our current platform of choice)
- Python 2.7 (as programming language)
- MariaDB (as database)
- GlusterFS (as shared data storage)
- Git (for repository)
- Haproxy (for loadbalancing)
- Celery (Python) (as service bus)
- Jinja2 (Python) (as templating language)
- Sphinx (for documentation)
- RabbitMQ (as service bus)
- create an amazon vpc -
- configure config.yaml to your needs
- run an instance
- run the deploy script for the instance
- configure elb to include the instance
- point a wildcard domain * to the elb instance
- create a namespace
- create a application
- clone the repository, add files, update app.yaml, commit and push
- run the application (
- The upscale master is located at one of the servers, receives requests and routes them to the workers.
- An upscale worker needs to be deployed on each host, this worker is responsible for returning status information, running new containers, shutting down containers etc.
- The upscale git server creates a git repository for each application. New applications will be deployed running the HEAD of repository.
- An upscale manage console. This is being used for creating new namespaces, applications.
For each namespace a corresponding folder in the data folder is being created. The namespace folder will have a home folder, which will be used for authentication to the git repository, and the git repositories itself. Each application will create a data folder below the namespace folder. The application data folder is shared between all containers.
- Support for other distributions
- Support for private clouds and other clouds
- Web frontend for signup, create namespaces and applications
- More runtimes
- Convert current api to remote http api
- Remote management (current is just local)
- Authorization and authentication
- Autoscale
- Weighted hosts
- Adoption of Juju / Salt
- User management with NCSD?
python bin/ namespace create --namespace test
python bin/ app create --namespace test --application website --runtime php-5.3 --repository "git://"
python bin/ app create --namespace test --application website --runtime python --repository "git://"
python bin/ keys get --namespace test --application website
python bin/ hosts list
python bin/ app run --host i-c811af85 --namespace test --application website
python ./bin/ hosts list
python ./bin/ app run --namespace test --application test