The main purpose of the program is to make audio files posted on Telegram available to regular desktop audio players. This is done via VFS by mapping remote files from telegram's cloud to local file system. Tested with audio players quodlibet, deadbeef, clementine.
This version is not maintained anymore. Use new version instead
$ virtualenv .venv3.7 -p python3.7
$ source .venv3.7/bin/activate
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
$ python tgmount/ --list-dialogs
To obtain your API id follow official manual. Running the program for the first time will require authentication.
$ export TGAPP=1234567:deadbeef0d04a3efe93e1af778773d6f0
Print your dialogs along with their numeric id's:
$ --list-dialogs
Print 10 newest available documents:
$ --list-documents --id 793392913 --limit 10
Print 10 oldest available documents:
$ --list-documents --id 793392913 --limit 10 --reverse
Using global telegram username:
$ --list-documents --id techtroit --limit 10 --reverse
Json output:
$ --list-documents --id techtroit --limit 10 --json
Mount channel techtroit to /mnt/techtroit/ loading all the audio files posted after message with id 11286
$ --mount /mnt/techtroit/ --id techtroit --offset 11286 --reverse
Download files
$ --download /ssd/tgfs/download/ --id techtroit --files 11823,11822
Download all files uploaded after message with id 11837
$ --download /ssd/tgfs/download/ --id techtroit --files $( --list-documents --id techtroit --offset-id 11837 --reverse --json | jq -r 'map(.message_id) | join(",")')
More options:
usage: [-h] [--id ID] [--mount DIR] [--list-dialogs]
[--list-documents] [--download DIR] [--files FILES]
[--all-files] [--no-updates] [--reverse] [--limit LIMIT]
[--offset-id OFFSET_ID] [--session SESSION]
[--fsname FSNAME] [--socks SOCKS] [--debug] [--debug-fuse]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--id ID chat or channel ID. Telegram username or numeric ID
--mount DIR mount to DIR
--list-dialogs print available telegram dialogs
--list-documents print available documents
--download DIR save files to DIR. Use with --files parameter
--files FILES comma separated list of document IDs
--all-files Retrieve all type of files, not only audio files.
Default: no
--no-updates don't listen for new files. Default: no
--reverse documents will be searched in reverse order (from
oldest to newest). Default: from newest to oldest
--limit LIMIT limit number of documents or dialogs. default:
--offset-id OFFSET_ID
offset message ID. Only documents previous to the
given ID will be retrieved
--session SESSION telegram session name. Default: tgfs
--fsname FSNAME VFS name. Default: tgfs
--socks SOCKS SOCKS5 proxy i.e.
--debug enable debugging output
--debug-fuse enable FUSE debugging output
--json json output. Default: no