Custom time component picker in the form of a round mechanical clock with the possibility of full adjustment of display of the clockface.
NKQCTimeComponent - public enum; required to indicate type of selectable time component
enum NKQCTimeComponent {
case second
case minute
case hour12
case hour24
NKQCTimeButtonConfiguration - struct for setting the display of time button of clockface.
struct NKQCTimeButtonConfiguration {
var textConfig: NKQCTextConfiguration
var sideLength: CGFloat
var backgroundColor: UIColor
var cornerRadius: CGFloat
var borderWidth: CGFloat
var borderColor: CGColor
var size: CGSize {
return CGSize(width: sideLength, height: sideLength)
NKQCTextConfiguration - struct for setting text display format.
struct NKQCTextConfiguration {
var fontName: String
var size: CGFloat
var color: UIColor
func font() -> UIFont {
return UIFont(name: fontName, size: size) ?? UIFont.systemFont(ofSize: size)
NKQCHandConfiguration - struct for setting clock hand display format.
struct NKQCHandConfiguration {
var color: UIColor
var width: CGFloat
NKQCNotchConfiguration - struct for setting clockface notches display format.
struct NKQCNotchConfiguration {
var style: Style
var width: CGFloat
var color: UIColor
var count: UInt?
//style of the notch
public enum Style {
case line
case dashes(CGFloat)
case dots
In the case dashes(CGFloat)
incoming defining the length of each dash.
NKQuartzClockTimePickerDataSource - protocol declares the methods necessary to display the button and its title in accordance with the indicated time.
@objc protocol NKQuartzClockTimePickerDataSource: class {
Returns BOOL value specifying the need to display a button corresponding to the incoming time
func clockPicker(_ picker: NKQuartzClockTimePicker, shouldAddTitleFor time: Int) -> Bool
Returns String value that specifies the title of the button corresponding to the transmitted time.
If returned value == nil, as value will be setted default String(time)
func clockPicker(_ picker: NKQuartzClockTimePicker, titleFor time: Int) -> String?
NKQuartzClockTimePickerDelegate - protocol declares the methods to be called when the state of the picker changes.
@objc protocol NKQuartzClockTimePickerDelegate: class {
/**Method is called when time picker value is changed*/
func clockPicker(_ picker: NKQuartzClockTimePicker, didChange time: Int)
class NKQuartzClockTimePicker: UIView {
/**Object that implements protocol NKQuartzClockTimePickerDataSource*/
@IBOutlet weak var dataSource: NKQuartzClockTimePickerDataSource?
/**Object that implements protocol NKQuartzClockTimePickerDelegate*/
@IBOutlet weak var delegate: NKQuartzClockTimePickerDelegate?
Type of selectable time component.
Default value = NKQCTimeComponent.second
var timeComponent: NKQCTimeComponent = .second {
didSet { putTimeButtons() }
Current time component value.
Values for seconds and minutes in range 0...59
Values for 12 hours format in range 1...12
Values for 24 hours format in range 0...23
private (set) var time: Int = 0
Indent buttons from the nearest NKQuartzClockTimePicker view side
@IBInspectable var timeButtonsMargin: CGFloat = 0.0 {
didSet { putTimeButtons() }
Settings clockface time button display format for normal (unselected) state.
Default value = NKQCTimeButtonConfiguration()
var timeButtonNormalConfig: NKQCTimeButtonConfiguration = NKQCTimeButtonConfiguration() {
didSet { putTimeButtons() }
Settings clockface time button display format for selected state.
Default value = NKQCTimeButtonConfiguration()
var timeButtonSelectedConfig: NKQCTimeButtonConfiguration = NKQCTimeButtonConfiguration() {
didSet { putTimeButtons() }
Indent notches from the nearest NKQuartzClockTimePicker view side.
@IBInspectable var notchMargin: CGFloat = 0.0 {
didSet { drawNotch() }
Array of NKQCNotchConfiguration for combining notches on clockface.
Notche's layers are superimposed in the order of adding to the array
var notches: [NKQCNotchConfiguration]? {
didSet { drawNotch() }
Indent of clock hand end from the nearest NKQuartzClockTimePicker view side
@IBInspectable var handMargin: CGFloat = 0.0 {
didSet { drawHand() }
Settings clock hand display format.
var hand: NKQCHandConfiguration = NKQCHandConfiguration() {
didSet { drawHand() }
Method for set self.time with animation
func setTime(_ value: Int) {
rotate(to: abs(value % timeComponent.count))
To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install
from the Example directory first.
iOS 10.0 Xcode 9 Swift 4.0
NKQuartzClockTimePicker is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:
pod 'NKQuartzClockTimePicker'
Nick Kopilovskii,
NKQuartzClockTimePicker is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.