This is an API-only Rails back-end application designed to serve data to a fictional "Sweater Weather" front-end application. It was developed in order to practice 3rd party API consumption, combining API outputs, exposing JSON1.0 data and authentication functionality via an API.
All feature implementation based off of wireframes and example responses located at [wireframe]](
- Framework: Ruby on Rails
- Testing: RSpec
- JSON Serializer: FastJsonAPI
- 3rd Party APIs:
- Google Direction API
- Google Geocoding API
- Unsplash API
- Open Weather API
- Response Caching: VCR & Webmock
- Test Coverage: SimpleCov
Fork and clone this repository.
Rails DB:Create, Migrate
Bundle exec figaro install
Add your API keys to the applciaiton.yml file in the following format
bundle exec rspec
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