This module represents an express.js server which gets as an input npm module name and returns its list of dependencies
- Module has been written in ES6, compiled with the help of babel
- Module has been written in eslint linting
first intall package via:
npm install
later in order to run this package, enter command:
npm run
After running server will run on port 5000 You will be able to run following APIs:
Get dependecies:
GET http://localhost:5000/dependencies?package=express
Second run will retrieve dependecies from cache -> after 100seconds cache will get invalidated -
Get dependecies for specific version:
Second run will retrieve dependecies from cache -> after 100seconds cache will get invalidated
GET http://localhost:5000/dependencies
-> no package given -> ERROR 404 will get respondGET http://localhost:5000/dependencies?package=express&&version=4.17.2
-> package with specific version doesn't exist -> ERROR 404 will get respondGET http://localhost:5000/dependencies?package=nonExistingPackage
-> package doesn't exist on npm -> ERROR 404 will get response
to run tests run:
npm test
You should see this:
- √ respond Not-Found error when getting non-existing package (38ms)
- √ respond Bad Request when not getting package
- √ respond dependencies for latest version
- √ cache dependencies for latest version
- Caching TTL (Time-to-live) configured 'hard-coded' to be 100 seconds
- Following the above, we assume package's dependencies won't change within 100 seconds
- npm service is online
- Configurable file to enable config TTL, package's dependencies 3rd party (e.g. Yarn) etc.
- Authorization middleware to enable service only for authorized user
- Login service
- Configure GitHub repo to work with PRs and not push directly to master