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A library to calculate cross sections and decay widths of feynman diagrams. Highly customizable.

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A library to numerically evaluate cross sections and decay widths of Feynman diagrams. Highly customizable.

Requirements / Dependencies

This library uses the Catch2 framework for tests and the fmt library.

Basics: QED in Feynumeric

To calculate the process e^+e^- -> µ^+ µ^- we can use the following script:

#include <feynumeric/core.hpp>
#include <feynumeric/qed.hpp> // feynumeric provides the standard QED rules in this header

int main()
    using namespace Feynumeric;
    using namespace Feynumeric::Units;
    using namespace QED;
    // initialize global variables
    auto s_channel = create_diagram("s_channel", // Name of the diagram (can be anything)
                                    s_channel, // Topology (see more below)
                                    VMP, // A pointer to the Topology_Vertex Manager
	                            {Electron, Positron}, // incoming particles
	                            {Photon}, // virtual particles
	                            {Muon_Minus, Muon_Plus} // outgoing particles
    Feynman_Process pair_production({s_channel}); // add the diagram to the process
	  pair_production.print_dsigma_dcos_table(std::cout, 500._MeV, 0.1); // print to std::cout, sqrt_s is 500 MeV and we go from cos \theta = -1 to 1 in 0.1-sized steps


Each diagram in Feynumeric is represented by a topology. The topology is agnostic to each edge's particle types. We start by drawing a simple graph, labeling the incoming nodes with the letter i and an index, starting from 0. Likewise we prepend virtual vertices with a v and outgoing vertices with an o. A standard s-channel scattering process, i.e. annihilation and pair creation would look like this

i0                  o0
 \                 /
  \               /
   \             /
   /             \
  /               \
 /                 \
i1                  o1

Translated into code, we add the diagram as pairs in the direction of the particle. I.e. {"v0", "v1"} means the particle is considered outgoing from the vertex v0 and incoming at the vertex v1.

const Topology s_channel = {{
  {"i0", "v0"},
  {"v0", "v1"},
  {"i1", "v0"},
  {"v1", "o0"},
  {"v1", "o1"}

To create your own topology, simply draw the diagram on a piece of paper and label the vertices appropriately.


To calculate interferences, note that all diagrams must have the same particles as i0 ... in and o0 ... on.

Adding Feynman Rules

The class Feynumeric::Vertex takes two arguments in its constructor. Firstly, a list of the particles and their directions w.r.t. the vertex. Edge_Direction::ANY is the default argument and does not necessarily need to be specified. Other options are Edge_Direction::IN and Edge_Direction::OUT.

        {Electron, Edge_Direction::ANY},
        {Positron, Edge_Direction::ANY},
        {Photon,   Edge_Direction::ANY}
    [](Feynumeric::Kinematics const&, std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Graph_Edge>> const& edges){
        using namespace Feynumeric::Units;
        auto const& photon = edges[2];
        return 1._e * Feynumeric::GAC[*( photon->lorentz_indices()[0] )];

The second argument is a function that takes a Feynumeric::Kinematics object and a vector of std::shared_ptr<Graph_Edge>. edges contains the respective edges of the diagram in the same order as the particles defined above. In this case, edge[2] corresponds to the photon, and we can access its lorentz_indices, momentum or other properties.


To calculate the decay width of a particle, include all contributing diagrams in your feynman process. Then call .decay_width(double mass) which takes mass of the decaying particle as an argument. This way, it is also possible to calculate the decay width for offshell particles.

auto diagram_1 = create_diagram(...);
auto diagram_n = create_diagram(...);
Feynman_Process decay_process({diagram_1, ..., diagram_n});
auto width = decay_process.decay_width(particle->mass());



For time consuming operations, Feynumeric offers to export a polynomial fit. The fit is done in the following manner (here c = cos theta and s = sqrt_s).

M(c, s) = P(k, s) * Q(c, m) 

P is a polynomial fit in s, evaluated at a constant cosine value k and Q is a polynomial in c on the mass-shell. The fit points in s are weighted 50% within s +/- width where a more accurate depiction is necessary.

Make sure to set the coupling constants to 1 before doing a fit. This way it is easier to rescale the amplitudes.


A library to calculate cross sections and decay widths of feynman diagrams. Highly customizable.






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