A living collection of all the mental-models from people in the tech industry (developers, SREs, QAs, EMs, etc) use on a day-to-day basis. With Developers' Brain the attempt is to build a digital garden of workflows around People, Tools and their Workflows.
🐾This is an early stage project so if you have any suggestions/feedback or would want to contribute please DM me on @Nitish_Mehrotra on Twitter.
- Browse around the wiki to discover mental models around
People, Tools or Workflows. Two way through which you can browse Developers'
- Check out the hosted version of Developers Brain 🧠 on Vercel
- By cloning the repo to explore the data offline using Foam and its Graph-Visualisation in VSCode.
- Information in each note is meant to give you an explaination and motivate you to explore more.
- Submit your own mental model either through a
PR or sending
a DM
We are still working on figuring out the best way to add content from the community. Refer to the 🚗 Roadmap for more info.
- Share the workflows with your team and the world.
You can read more about the motivation behind Developers' Brain here
- Source:
- TS Lim and his project Concepts
- Jani Eväkallio and Foam
- Built using Foam, personal knowledge management and sharing system inspired by Roam Research, built on Visual Studio Code and GitHub.
- Website built using Gatsby and Mathieu Dutour's gatsby-theme-garden plugin.
- Website published using Vercel
See Roadmap
This project was started as an attempt to start tracking my pesonal mental models while I was building Kloudi. In an attempt to do so I got exposed to Zettelkasten Method and Building a Digital Brain. I very quickly realised that, tech community have always been collaborating around Q&As (StackOverflow), Stacks (Stackshare), code and configurations (Github, etc) but there has always been a lack of collaboration and community around mental models that people in the industry deploy for their day to day activities.
With Developers' Brain I am not trying to be another repository of top Vim configurations or Git settings but as continoue living garden of actual workflows that a developers uses to achieve an outcome. Hopefully, with the ever expanding universe of people who code, tools we use and new workflows and design patterns we deploy this can serve as a place to cultivate the community brain.
Here are few intresting blogs/talks that also motivated the project.
See License