Liberty version is here:
Maximo on Docker enables to run Maximo Asset Management on Docker. The images are deployed fine-grained services instead of single instance. The following instructions describe how to set up IBM Maximo Asset Management V7.6 Docker images. This images consist of several components e.g. WebSphere, Db2, and Maximo installation program.
IBM Maximo Asset Management V7.6.1 binaries from Passport Advantage
IBM Enterprise Deployment (formerly known as IBM Installation Manager) binaries:
IBM Maximo Asset Management V7.6.1 binaries:
- MAM_7.6.1_LINUX64.tar.gz
IBM WebSphere Application Server traditional V9 binaries:
IBM HTTP Server and WebSphere Plugin V9 binaries:
IBM Java SDK V8 binaries:
IBM Db2 Advanced Workgroup Edition V11.1 binaries:
- DB2_AWSE_REST_Svr_11.1_Lnx_86-64.tar.gz
Feature Pack/Fix Pack binaries from Fix Central
IBM Maximo Asset Management V7.6.1 Feature pack 2 binaries:
IBM WebSphere Application Server traditional Fixpack V9.0.0.10 binaries:
IBM HTTP Server Fixpack V9.0.0.10 binaries:
IBM Java SDK Fixpack V8.0.5.25 Installation Manager Repository binaries:
IBM Db2 Server V11.1 Fix Pack 4 Mod 1
- v11.1.4fp4a_linuxx64_server_t.tar.gz
Prerequisites: all binaries must be accessible via a web server during building phase.
You can use a tool for building docker images by using the build tool.
Usage: [DIR] [OPTION]...
-c | --check Check required packages
-C | --deepcheck Check and compare checksum of required packages
-r | --remove Remove images when an image exists in repository
-d | --check-dir [DIR] The directory for validating packages (Docker for Windows only)
-h | --help Show this help text
Place the downloaded Maximo, IBM Db2, IBM Installation Manager and IBM WebSphere Application Server traditional binaries on a directory.
Clone this repository.
git clone
Move to the directory.
cd maximo-docker
Run build tool.
bash [Image directory] [-c] [-C] [-r]
bash /images -c -r
Example for Docker for Windows:
bash "C:/images" -c -r -d /images
Note 1: This script works on Windows Subsystem on Linux.
Note 2: md5sum is required. For Mac, install it manually - -
Run containers by using the Docker Compose file to create and deploy new instances.
docker-compose up -d
Note: It will take 3-4 hours (depend on your machine spec) to complete the installation. Note: To change the default passwords, edit [COMPONENT]_PASSWORD environment variables in docker-compose.yml file. Do not use a different value to the same environment variable across services.
Make sure to be accessible to Maximo login page: http://hostname/maximo
Prerequisites: all binaries must be accessible via a web server during building phase.
- Place the downloaded Maximo, IBM Db2, IBM Installation Manager and IBM WebSphere Application Server traditional binaries on a directory
- Create docker network for build with:
docker network create build
- Run nginx docker image to be able to download binaries from HTTP.
docker run --name images -h images --network build \ -v [Image directory]:/usr/share/nginx/html:ro -d nginx
- Clone this repository.
git clone
- Move to the directory.
cd maximo-docker
- Build Docker images:
Build Db2 image:
Build IBM Enterprise Deployment (IBM Installation Manager) image:
docker build -t maximo/db2:11.1.4a -t maximo/db2:latest --network build maxdb
Build WebSphere Application Server base image:docker build -t maximo/ibmim:1.8.8 -t maximo/ibmim:latest --network build ibmim
Build WebSphere Application Server Deployment Manager image:docker build -t maximo/maxwas: -t maximo/maxwas:latest --network build maxwas
Build WebSphere Application Server AppServer image:docker build -t maximo/maxdmgr: -t maximo/maxdmgr:latest maxdmgr
Build IBM HTTP Server image:docker build -t maximo/maxapps: -t maximo/maxapps:latest maxapps
Build Maximo Asset Management Installation image:docker build -t maximo/maxweb: -t maximo/maxweb:latest --network build maxweb
Note: If the build has failed during Maximo Feature Pack installation, run the docker build again.docker build -t maximo/maximo: -t maximo/maximo:latest --network build maximo
- Run containers by using the Docker Compose file to create and deploy new instances.
Note: It will take 3-4 hours (depend on your machine spec) to complete the installation. Note: To change the default passwords, edit [COMPONENT]_PASSWORD environment variables in docker-compose.yml file. Do not use a different value to the same environment variable across services.
docker-compose up -d
- Make sure to be accessible to Maximo login page: http://hostname/maximo
Building IBM Maximo Asset Management V7.6 images with an Oracle Database Container by using build tool
- All binaries must be accessible via a web server during building phase.
- An Oracle Database containar or any on-premise instance must be prepared before running docker-compose command.
- Follow the guide from the repo to create an Oracle Database container.
Place the downloaded Maximo, IBM Db2, IBM Installation Manager and IBM WebSphere Application Server traditional binaries on a directory.
Clone this repository.
git clone
Move to the directory.
cd maximo-docker
Run build tool.
bash [Image directory] [-c] [-C] [-r]
bash /images -c -r
Example for Docker for Windows:
bash "C:/images" -c -r -d /images
Note 1: This script works on Windows Subsystem on Linux.
Note 2: md5sum is required. For Mac, install it manually - -
Run containers by using the Docker Compose file to create and deploy new instances.
docker-compose -f docker-compose.ora.yml up -d
Note: It will take 3-4 hours (depend on your machine spec) to complete the installation. Note: To change the default passwords, edit [COMPONENT]_PASSWORD environment variables in docker-compose.yml file. Do not use a different value to the same environment variable across services.
Make sure to be accessible to Maximo login page: http://hostname/maximo
Maxinst program supports to initialize and create a Maximo database that called during the "deployConfiguration" process in the Maximo installer. This process is painfully slow because it creates more than thousand tables from scratch. To skip the process, you can use a backup database to restore during first boot time in a maxdb service. So then, it can reduce the creation time for containers from second time.
- Build container images first (follow above instructions)
- Move to the cloned directory.
cd maximo-docker
- Make a backup directory.
mkdir ./backup
- Uncomment the following volume configuration in docker-compose.yml.
maxdb: volumes: - type: bind source: ./backup target: /backup
- Run containers by using the Docker Compose file. (follow above instructions)
- Take a backup from the maxdb service by using a backup tool.
Note: Backup image must be only one in the directory. Backup task must fail when more than two images in it.
docker-compose exec maxdb /work/ maxdb76 /backup
So that, now you can create the containers from the backup image that is stored in the directory.