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Building a binary OSX installer

matthew-brett edited this page Nov 13, 2012 · 4 revisions

Some notes towards a binary installer installing some packages to allow people to get going with nipy in particular:

  • Python
  • Numpy
  • Matplotlib
  • Sympy
  • IPython + notebook
  • Nibabel
  • Nipy


Note options to configure command in cpython source code -

Note OSX framework build script in Mac/BuildScript/ which should be run from its own directory.

It needs a tcl/tk to link against, ActiveTcl 8.5 is one option - see

Some understanding of OSX frameworks would help me out: goes in Applications, Framework goes in /Library/Frameworks/Python.frameworks/Versions/X.Y, and the postflight script puts the installed python into the path: Mac/BuildScript\scripts. Some scripts go into /usr/local/bin (what's wrong with /Library/Frameworks/Python.frameworks/Versions/X.Y/bin?).


  • What's the advantage of a Framework for the python build?
  • Is there any advantage to putting the python framework in /Library/Frameworks/Python.frameworks/Versions/X.Y rather than (say) /Library/Frameworks/MyPython.frameworks/Versions/X.Y or /Library/Frameworks/Python.frameworks/Versions/my-X.Y?
  • Is there any problem about building to one directory (/tmp/my_build/Library/Library/Frameworks/Python.frameworks/Versions/X.Y) and installing later to another (/Library/Frameworks/Python.frameworks/Versions/X.Y)

More references

Script for building a DMG:

Other thoughts

Relationship to homebrew and macports?

Relationship to EPD and Anaconda? (not cross platform).