添加tui,便于操作(可能耗时较长 概率鸽)
It is recommended to build or run in a virtual environment.
1. pip3 install pipenv
2. pipenv install
3. pipenv shell
4. python3 v_cli.py
1. pip3 install pipenv
2. pipenv install
3. pipenv shell
4. pipenv run pip3 install pyinstaller
5. pipenv run pyinstaller -Fw v_cli.py
The target file is located in the dist folder
If you need node filtering
1. mkdir ~/.config/v_cli (if v_cli folder does not exist)
2. cp rules.yaml.example ~/.config/v_cli/rules.yaml
Modify rules.yaml according to the comments (group name needs to be the same as the corresponding subscription name)
- run
port set
to set v2ray executable file path - run
update sub_url
to add a subscription - run
connect group_name node_name
to start v2ray - run
to stop v2ray
1. groups.json 订阅保存文件
2. config.json v2ray启动的配置文件
3. connections (dir) 各节点信息保存位置(每次更新后清空文件夹并重新填充信息)
4. lastconnect.json 上次启动使用的参数
5. connect.log 产生的连接日志
6. connections.json 各节点名称与对应文件名
7. .history 保存历史记录