git clone
cd import-script
pip install -r requirements.txt
- The column separator must be
reference | title | artist | audio_path | audio_url | album | popularity | duration | isrc | year | tags |
string* | string* | string | Relative or absolute os path. Mandatory if no audio_url | Absolute web url, Mandatory if no audio_path (if both are provided, audi_path is used) | string | float | float | string | int | Format should be: TagCollectionName|TagName,TagCollectionName|TagName,... |
Mandatory elements (*):
- reference
- title
You need to provide one of these elements:
audio_path (relative or absolute os path)
audio_url (absolute web url)
You don't have to fill in both audio_path AND audio_url (if you do, the audio_path will be used).
All other elements are optional
For the element "tags":
- You must group similar tags under a TagCollection (Instruments, tempos, Genres, etc...)
- Try to keep your tags as consistent as possible (look for misspelling, classification errors, etc...)
- You can then add as many tags as you want for each track following this format: