- Login AWS Console and navigate to
Serverless Application Repository
service. - Search
inAvailable Applications
- Press
button to deploy the lambda layer to your account - Navigate to
service and find out the layer is already deployed or not
Please Make Sure to Input Corporation ID / Corporation Secret in Lambda Evironment Variables
使用该Lambda Layer 请务必设置调用Lambda内微信的CorpId和CorpSecret环境变量以获取Access Token 调用微信接口
import json
import os
from wechat import Wechat
from alarm import Alarm
def handler(event, context):
corpId = os.environ['CORPID']
corpSecret = os.environ['CORPSECRET']
wechat = Wechat(corpId, corpSecret)
wxAlarm = Alarm(
toUser = "@all", #成员ID列表(消息接收者,多个接收者用‘|’分隔,最多支持1000个)。特殊情况:指定为@all,则向关注该企业应用的全部成员发送
toParty = "", #部门ID列表,多个接收者用‘|’分隔,最多支持100个。当touser为@all时忽略本参数
toTag = "", #标签ID列表,多个接收者用‘|’分隔,最多支持100个。当touser为@all时忽略本参数
agentId = 1000002,
title = "AWS 告警信息",
description = "<div class=\"grey\">{0}</div> <div class=\"highlight\">{1}</div>".format(event['Records'][0]['Sns']['Timestamp'], event['Records'][0]['Sns']['Subject']),
url = "URL"
body = wechat.send_msg(wxAlarm)
response = {
"statusCode": 200,
"body": json.dumps(body)
return response
Happy Building!
Niko (nikosheng@gmail.com)