- Login AWS Console and navigate to
Serverless Application Repository
service. - Search
inAvailable Applications
- Press
button to deploy the lambda layer to your account - Navigate to
service and find out the layer is already deployed or not
Please configure the Ali Dingding Robot to invoke the alarm message, for more information about the configuration, please refer to LINK
Please Make Sure to Input Dingding Robot Access Token in Lambda Evironment Variables
使用该Lambda Layer 请务必设置调用Lambda内阿里钉钉机器人Webhook内的Access Token环境变量以调用接口
import json
import os
from layer.dingding import DingRobot
from layer.alarm import Alarm
def hello(event, context):
token = os.environ['ACCESSTOKEN']
robot = DingRobot(token)
dingAlarm = Alarm(
title = "AWS 告警信息",
text = "### {0}\n >{1}".format(event['Records'][0]['Sns']['Subject'], event['Records'][0]['Sns']['Message']),
atMobiles = "",
isAtAll = True
body = robot.send_msg(dingAlarm)
response = {
"statusCode": 200,
"body": json.dumps(body)
return response
Happy Building!
Niko (nikosheng@gmail.com)