This is a Repository of my dotfiles for the softwares I use and configured till now. There is a repo which contains some neat little scripts which help me to install any operating system (like Arch and Void) including Partitioning, Creating users, Grub etc which makes it super handy to reinstall and create virtual machines with exact same configurations.
Go to Config
Go to Config
Go to Config
- Windows Manager & Related Stuff
- XMonad
- XMobar
- Lxsession
- xwallpaper
- Picom Jonaburg Fork
- Dunst
- Xdotool
- cbatticon
- volumeicon
- QTile
- psutil python module
- Lxsession
- xwallpaper
- Picom Jonaburg Fork
- Dunst
- cbatticon
- volumeicon
- XMonad
- Fonts
- JetBrainsMono Nerd Font
- Ubuntu Mono Nerd Font
- Font Awesome 5
- Shell
- Fish
- bat
- exa
- TUI Apps
- Newsboat
- Ncmpcpp
- Mpd
- Ranger
- Neovim
- Btop
- GUI Apps
- Emacs
- librewolf or firefox
- Kitty
- XMonad -> Catppuccin Mocha
- Qtile -> Catppuccin Mocha
You can either copy the file you want manually or if you want everything then run following commands make sure the stow is installed
$ git clone --depth 1 ~/.dots && cd ~/.dots $ stow */ --adopt
Alternativly in case you want just want my xmonad config then replace some_directory with xmonad
$ stow <some_directory> --adopt