python-ts3 is a abstraction library around the Teamspeak 3 ServerQuery API. It allows native access to the ServerQuery API with most of the formatting headaches avoided.
python-ts3 is targeted at Python 2.6/2.7/3.2/3.3 support, along with PyPy support.
Download the most recent sourcecode and install it::
git clone git://
cd python-ts3
python install
A stable version of python-ts3 is available on PyPi. Active development is done in the develop
branch with release version merged into master
Example showing how to create a channel and sub-channel for it using python-ts3 library::
import ts3
server = ts3.TS3Server('', 10011)
server.login('serveradmin', 'secretpassword')
# choose virtual server
# create a channel
response = server.send_command('channelcreate', keys={'channel_name': 'Just some channel'})
# id of the newly created channel
channel_id =[0]['cid']
# create a sub-channel
server.send_command('channelcreate', keys={'channel_name': 'Just some sub-channel', 'cpid': channel_id})