Vue @2.6.14 - front-end framework
Vuex @3.6.2 - state management library for Vue
Vue-router @3.6.5 - The official router for Vue.js.
Scss - is the most mature, stable, and powerful professional grade CSS extension language in the world.
Axios @1.2.0 - Promise based HTTP client for the browser and node.js
bcrypt @5.1.0 - A library to hash passwords
dotenv @16.0.3 - zero-dependency module that loads environment variables from a .env file
express @4.18.2 - web framework for node
joi @17.7.0 - schema description language and data validator for JavaScript
jsonwebtoken @8.5.1 - An implementation of JSON Web Tokens
mongodb @4.12.1 - document database
mongoose @6.7.3 - MongoDB object modeling tool
swagger @4.6.0 - module provides tools for designing and building Swagger-compliant APIs entirely in Node.js
yaml @0.3.0 - yaml is a definitive library for YAML, the human friendly data serialization standard
- First of all you need to clone app repository from github:
git clone
- Next step requires install all the dependencies in vue app after navigate project folder.
cd new-age
npm install
- also need install all the dependencies in node.js api app after navigate project folder.
cd API
npm install
- to see project in action locale you need to create .env files both project
cp .env.example .env
- for node.js app you need to create your own database on mongodb and save connection information into .env variables
- for vue app you just need to write localhost url where node.js app is running
- to see project in action you need to run both project same time.