A toy stock app which allows the user to purchase or sell stocks using simulated money. Stock quotes are updated via data from IEX api gem.
- User Story 1: As a Trader, I want to create an account to buy and sell stocks.
- User Story 2: As a Trader, I want to log in my credentials so that I can access my account on the app.
- User Story 3: As a Trader, I want to receive an email to confirm my pending account signup.
- User Story 4: As a Trader, I want to receive an approval trader account email to notify me once my account has been approved.
- User Story 5: As a Trader, I want to buy a stock to add to my investment (trader signup should be approved).
- User Story 6: As a Trader, I want to have a My Portfolio page to see all my stocks.
- User Story 7: As a Trader, I want to have a Transaction page to see and monitor all the transactions made by buying and selling stocks.
- User Story 8: As a Trader, I want to sell my stocks to gain money.
- User Story 1: As an User, I want to create a new trader to manually add them to the app.
- User Story 2: As an User, I want to edit a specific trader to update his/her details.
- User Story 3: As an User, I want to view a specific trader to show his/her details.
- User Story 4: As an User, I want to see all the traders that registered on the app so I can track all the traders.
- User Story 5: As an User, I want to have a page for pending trader sign up to easily check if there's a new trader sign up.
- User Story 6: As an User, I want to approve a trader sign up so that he/she can start adding stocks.
- User Story 7: As an User, I want to see all the transactions so that I can monitor the transaction flow of the app.
Client: Ruby on Rails, Bootstrap
Server: Ruby on Rails, Postgresql