A clone of the famous Momentum app browser extension. This is a front-end project to practice competencies in vanilla Javascript.
- User Story 1: As a user, I want to put my name on the homepage.
- User Story 2: As a user, I want to see the current time on the homepage.
- User Story 3: As a user, I want to see a greeting with my inputted name on the homepage.
- User Story 4: As a user, I want to add my main focus for today on the homepage and display it also on the same page.
- User Story 5: As a user, I want to see a random quote on the homepage.
- User Story 6: As a user, I want to add a todo list on the homepage and is able to see the list on the same page.
- User Story 7: As a user, I want to add a new quote for my momentum app.