In this repository we keep the current state of development of the Discord Bot management system written in Java, Vue 3 and Express.js. We have a heap of documentation available for the code in this repository. You may be interested in the...
- Issues if you want to request a feature or to report a bug.
- Discussions if you need help from the community or if you want to share your experience with others. 💓
- Wiki if you quickly need guides for this project.
- Code of Conduct before you start to work in this project.
- Contributing Guidelines if you intend to contribute to this project yourself.
- Features
- Planned Features
- Known critical bugs
- Credits & Dependencies
- Setup
- Discord
- License
Discord Bot (/bot)
- Backup System
Planned and cancelled features can be found on the 🌟 Features wiki page.
- Currently there are no known critical bugs, if you found a critical bug check out the Security Policy to find more information how you can help to make this project safer for everyone.
- Vue.js and Tailwind CSS are used to build the FrontEnd.
- Express.js is used to build the BackEnd.
- Java and the Java Discord API are used to build the Discord Bot
The full credits and dependencies can be found on the 📋 Credits and Dependencies wiki page.
The entire setup process can be found on the ⬇️ Setup wiki page.
This project is subject to the Apache-2.0 license.