This class is designed to work like jQuery when creating and working with html elements. Look at html.class.php
to see a list of all the available methods.
// Get the class
include 'html.class.php';
// Create a div and set an attribute
$div = new html('div', array(
'class' => 'text field'
// Create a label and input
$label = new html('label', array(
'for' => 'title',
'text' => 'Title'
$input = new html('input', array(
'id' => 'title',
'name' => 'title',
'value' => 'My Awesome Site'
// Append the label and the input
$div->append($label, $input);
// Or chain the methods
// Or append the elements to the div
// Or clone the div before appending stuff
// This was designed for loops
$tmp_div = $div->_clone()->append($label, $input);
// Put the div on the page,
// and destory the temporary div
echo $tmp_div;
// Whoops, we forgot to add our heading
$heading = new html('h3', array(
'text' => 'Title Field',
'class' => 'field-heading'
// Ah, that's better
// Or
// Put the div on the page
echo $div;