I'm Nicholi (also Neeko)! Some stuff I'm interested in:
- Compilers
- Deep Learning
- Neural Differential Equations
- Graph Neural Networks
- Etc.
- ML Infra
- Specialized HW/SW Codesign
- TPUs, FPGA's, etc.
- Compilers & Programming Languages
- Projects like Apache TVM, Mojo, Tinygrad are super fascinating
- Specialized HW/SW Codesign
- Fuzzers & Binary Security
- Mathematics
- Numerical Linear Algebra
- Graph Theory
- Combinatorics
- Optimization/Linear Programming
- Calculus
- Game theory
- Languages:
- Rust <3
- Mojo
- C++
- Python
- Pronouns:
- He/him
- Tabs or Spaces?
- Idrc, tabs I guess?
- Indentation or Curly Braces?
- Indentation 0_0
- Occupation:
- Undergraduate studying Mathematics with a concentration in Discrete Math & Operations Research
- Former ML Research Intern, Sysadmin, & IT Helpdesk guy
- Moonlighting as a member of the Arch Linux/Rust evangelism strike force
- Editor?
- Spacemacs/NeoVim.
- 📫 How to reach me:
P.S.: Oh yeah! If you're bored, check out my blog