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Unofficial Elixir SDK for the Nylas API.

To get started, first sign up for a free Nylas account here, then follow the installation and usage guide below.


Caveat Emptor

  • VERY much a work in progress
  • This is my first attempt at metaprogramming

Nylas API v2 vs v3

The main branch of the repo now leverages Nylas API v3. The v2 branch of this repo will track Nylas API v2, though development work on this SDK will largely focus on Nylas API v3.

TODO / Known Issues

  1. Limited test coverage
  2. Not yet available on hex


def deps do
    {:ex_nylas, git: "", tag: "v0.7.3"}


  1. Connection is a struct that stores your Nylas API credentials.
conn = 
    client_id: "1234",
    api_key: "1234",
    grant_id: "1234",
    access_token: "1234", # Omited if using `grant_id` + `api_key`
    api_server: "",
    options: [], # Passed to Req (HTTP client)
    telemetry: true # Enables telemetry and the default telemetry logger (defaults to `false`)

Options from ExNylas.Connection are passed directly to Req and can be used to override the default behavior of the HTTP client. You can find a complete list of options here. The most relevent Req defaults are listed below:

  retry: :safe_transient,
  cache: false,
  compress_body: false,
  compressed: true, # ask server to return compressed responses
  receive_timeout: 15_000, # socket receive timeout
  pool_timeout: 5000 # pool checkout timeout

When using options, do not override the value for decode_body, in most cases, the SDK is relying on Req to decode the response via Jason.

  1. Each function supports returning an ok/error tuple or raising an exception, for example:
conn = %ExNylas.Connection{api_key: "1234", grant_id: "1234"}

# Returns {:ok, result} or {:error, reason}
{:ok, message} = ExNylas.Messages.first(conn)

# Returns result or raises an exception
message = ExNylas.Messages.first!(conn)
  1. Where supported, queries and filters can be passed as a map or keyword list:
{:ok, threads} = 
  %ExNylas.Connection{api_key: "1234", grant_id: "1234"}
  |> ExNylas.Threads.list(limit: 5)
  1. Where create/update is supported, optionally use build/1 (or build!/1) to validate data before sending to the Nylas API. This is strictly optional--create/update will accept either a map or a struct. Build leverages Ecto behind the scenes so fields are validated against the schema/struct definition and in the case of an error, the Ecto changeset is returned. For example:
{:ok, folder} ={name: "Hello World"})

# This will return an error because 'display_name' is not part of the struct{display_name: "Hello Error"})

> {:error,
   action: :build,
   changes: %{},
   errors: [name: {"can't be blank", [validation: :required]}],
   data: #ExNylas.Folder.Build<>,
   valid?: false
  1. Ecto is also used when transforming the API response from Nylas into structs. Any validation errors are logged, but errors are not returned/raised in order to make to SDK resilient to changes to the API contract.

  2. Use all/2 to fetch all of a given object and let the SDK page for you. Req will handle retries on errors by default, if retries fail, partial results are not returned (unless send_to is used).

Note - depending on the result set, this operation could take time, consider using a query/filter to reduce the number of results and/or making this an async operation.

Optionally include:

  • delay to throttle requests and avoid 429s (note: strongly recommended; this delay is independent of retry delays configured in the HTTP client)
  • send_to to pass each page to your single arity function instead of accumulating all of the result set in memory
  • with_metadata any data that should be included when invoking the function provided in send_to, results are sent as a tuple {metadata, page}
conn = %ExNylas.Connection{api_key: "1234", grant_id: "1234"}

# Accumulate results in memory and return them when paging is complete
{:ok, []} = ExNylas.Messages.all(conn, query: [any_email: "", fields: "include_headers"])

# Send results to a handler as each page is received
{:ok, []} = ExNylas.Messages.all(conn, send_to: &IO.inspect/1, delay: 3_000, query: [any_email: "", fields: "include_headers"])

# Or handle paging on your own
{:ok, first_page} = ExNylas.Messages.list(conn, limit: 50)
{:ok, second_page} = ExNylas.Messages.list(conn, limit: 50, page_token: first_page.next_cursor)


Unofficial Elixir SDK for the Nylas API







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