is an R package designed for fitting Multispecies N-Mixture (MNM) Models (Mimnagh, Niamh, et al. (2022)), a powerful tool for estimating abundance and occurrence of multiple species in a hierarchical Bayesian framework.
- Bayesian Modeling: Fit hierarchical Bayesian MNM models using Nimble.
- Customisable Priors: Define prior distributions easily for each parameter.
- Comprehensive Outputs: Includes posterior summaries, convergence diagnostics, and model fit statistics (log-likelihood, AIC, BIC).
- User-Friendly API: Simple interface to specify data, initial values, and model parameters.
- Visualisation: Built-in methods for producing density plots and traceplots, for model diagnostics.
To install the development version of MultiNMix
, use the following commands in R:
if (!requireNamespace("devtools", quietly = TRUE)) {
Here is a quick example to get you started with MultiNMix
# Example data
x <- simulateData(model = "MNM")
Xp <- array(rnorm(R * S * 2), dim = c(R, S, 2)) # creating 2 detection probability covariates
Xn <- array(rnorm(R * S *3), dim = c(R, S, 3)) # creating 3 abundance covariates
# Fit
fit <- MNM_fit(
Y = species_counts,
Xp = Xp,
Xn = Xn,
iterations = 5000, # Number of iterations
burnin = 1000, # Burn-in period
thin = 10, # Thinning interval
prior_detection_probability="dnorm(0,0.01)" # user-defined normal prior distribution
# Summarize results
# Plot diagnostic results by specifying the model and the parameter
tracePlot(fit, param="N[8,1]")
density(fit, param="N[8,1]")
# A list of all available diagnostic plots can be found:
: Fits a Multispecies N-Mixture Model using specified data and parameters.
: Generates traceplots of monitored parameters.density()
: Generates density plots of monitored parameters.logLik()
: Extracts the log-likelihood of the model.AIC()
: Computes AIC and BIC values for model comparison.check_convergence()
: Assesses model convergence using Gelman-Rubin diagnostics.
Detailed documentation and vignettes are available in the package. After installation, access them using:
There are two datasets available in the package birds
and the zero-inflated birds_ZI
. Both are a subset of the North American Breeding Bird Survey dataset ( birds
is a dataframe with 2,880 observations and 13 columns (R=24, T=10, S=20, K=6) while birds_ZI
is a dataframe with 600 observations and 13 columns (R=15, T=10, S=10, K=4).
In this vignette, we will show the birds
dataset, the processing steps required and a worked example of it.
Route | Year | English_Common_Name | Stop 1 | Stop 2 | ... | Stop 10 |
001 | 2016 | Mourning Dove | 0 | 1 | ... | 0 |
007 | 2016 | Mourning Dove | 6 | 4 | ... | 5 |
009 | 2016 | Mourning Dove | 0 | 0 | ... | 0 |
The birds
dataset is currently a data frame of dimension (600, 10). It needs to be reformatted into an array of dimension (R=15, T=10, S=10, K=4) before it can be used with the MultiNMix
# Data must first be reformatted to an array of dimension (R,T,S,K)
R <- 15
T <- 10
S <- 10
K <- 4
# Ensure data is ordered consistently
birds <- birds[order(birds$Route, birds$Year, birds$English_Common_Name), ]
# Create a 4D array with proper dimension
Y <- array(NA, dim = c(R, T, S, K))
# Map route, species, and year to indices
route_idx <- as.numeric(factor(birds$Route))
species_idx <- as.numeric(factor(birds$English_Common_Name))
year_idx <- as.numeric(factor(birds$Year))
# Populate the array
stop_data <- as.matrix(birds[, grep("^Stop", colnames(birds))])
for (i in seq_len(nrow(birds))) {
Y[route_idx[i], , species_idx[i], year_idx[i]] <- stop_data[i, ]
# Assign dimnames
dimnames(Y) <- list(
Route = sort(unique(birds$Route)),
Stop = paste0("Stop", 1:T),
Species = sort(unique(birds$English_Common_Name)),
Year = sort(unique(birds$Year)))
The function MNM_fit
in the MultiNMix
package allows for easy implementation of a multi-species N-mixture model using data of this format.
model<-MNM_fit((Y=Y, AR=FALSE, Hurdle=FALSE))
We can then access elements of the model as follows:
model@summary # outputs the mean estimate, standard deviation, standard error, 95% credible interval, effective sample size and gelman rubin statistic for each monitored variable
model@estimates$N # outputs the estimated mean N
logLik(model) # estimates the log likelihood of the model
AIC(model)/BIC(model) # outputs the AIC or BIC values
tracePlot(model, param="N[1,1]") # outputs the traceplot of the N[1,1] parameter
density(model, param="N[1,1]") #outputs the density plot for the N[1,1] parameter
Contributions are welcome! If you encounter any issues or have suggestions for improvement, please submit a report or a pull request.
Mimnagh, Niamh, et al. "Bayesian multi-species N-mixture models for unmarked animal communities." Environmental and Ecological Statistics 29.4 (2022): 755-778.
was developed as part of research into multispecies abundance modeling. Special thanks to the creators of Nimble ( for their invaluable tools in Bayesian modeling.