This repository contains all necessary files to carry out the analyses performed in Mimnagh et al., (2023).
The following files form the appendix for this chapter:
- Appendix_A.R provides R code to simulate data for, and fit the original N-mixture model (Royle, 2004).
- Appendix_B.R provides R code to simulate data for, and fit the multi-species N-mixture model model (Mimnagh et al., 2022).
- Appendix_C.R provides R code to produce the covariance diagnostic proposed by Dennis et al., (2015).
The following files form the case study used in this chapter, in which the original N-mixture model (Royle, 2004) and the multi-species N-mixture model (Mimnagh et al., 2022) are fitted to data collected as part of the BeeWalk Survey Scheme (Comont 2017, in the UK.
- BeeWalk_case study.R provides code for data preparation, and implementing models in JAGS.
- bees.xlsx is a subset of the BeeWalk Survey data.
Comont, R. 2017. RSPB Spotlight Bumblebees. Bloomsbury Publishing.
Dennis, E. B., Morgan, B. J., & Ridout, M. S. (2015). Computational aspects of N‐mixture models. Biometrics, 71(1), 237-246.
Mimnagh, N., Parnell, A., & Prado, E. (2023). Bayesian N-Mixture Models Applied to Estimating Insect Abundance. In Modelling Insect Populations in Agricultural Landscapes (pp. 185-210). Cham: Springer International Publishing.
Mimnagh, N., Parnell, A., Prado, E., & Moral, R. D. A. (2022). Bayesian multi-species N-mixture models for unmarked animal communities. Environmental and Ecological Statistics, 29(4), 755-778.
Royle, J. A. (2004). N-mixture models for estimating population size from spatially replicated counts. Biometrics, 60(1), 108-115.