1.13.1 - 12 November 2019
🔧 Fixes
- clarify start of project questions for product and delivery in Accessibility guidance
- fix incorrect url on summary list component to github issue
- use latest version of the nhsuk-frontend (3.0.2)
- Consistent HTML spacing and indenting to make the code easier to read
- Remove unnecessary spacing override classes
- Create 2 new page layouts (full width and two thirds) to reduce code duplication
- Add Sass styles to constrain widths of elements when using the full width layout
- cache bust CSS and JavaScript assets
- remove duplicate import for the radios nunjucks macro
1.13.0 - 7 November 2019
🆕 New content
- Guidance on how to write good questions in forms
- Improvements to the Header component page with guidance on the new organisational header
- New page: Understanding focus state styles
- Summary list component
- Asking users for their NHS number pattern
- NHS number entry in A to Z of NHS health writing
- Improved guidance for colour and typography
🔧 Fixes
- Capitalise GOV.UK 'Design System'
- Tidy up the colours and typography pages with more examples and improve page design
- Improve the guidance around use of the Frutiger font
- Remove the hint text page and include guidance for hint text on individual component pages
- Use the latest version of NHS.UK frontend (3.0.0) including new focus styles
- Fix the Nunjucks snippets for the A to Z and Mini-hub patterns