Follow the steps below to download, install, and run this project.
Install these prerequisites to follow along with the Personal data management system based on Ethereum.
- NPM:
- Truffle:
- Ganache:
- Metamask:
git clone
$ cd Ethereum
$ npm install
Open the Ganache GUI client that you downloaded and installed. This will start your local blockchain instance.
$ truffle migrate --reset
You must migrate the smart contract each time your restart ganache.
See free video tutorial for full explanation of these steps:
- Unlock Metamask
- Connect metamask to your local Etherum blockchain provided by Ganache.
- Import an account provided by ganache.
$ npm run dev
Visit this URL in your browser: http://localhost:3000
If you get stuck, please contact me at
The proposed Blockchain-based Personal Data Management platform consists of a blockchain network (e.g.,deployed using Hyperledger Fabric framework) in which associated Smart Contracts (e.g., chaincode) implemented personal data management logics are employed. The platform, which is built on top of a conventional database management system (DBMS) for off-chain storage, not only provides mechanisms for carrying out the Data Subject’s consent and rights, but also plays as a role of a Data Controller for controlling the processing and sharing of personal data via the underlying DBMS.
The platform is a blockchain-based system consisting of a blockchain network that employs associated Smart Contracts, playing as a role of a data controller for governing personal data. The proposed platform, which is built on top of a distributed data store for off-chain storage, enables data owners to personally impose usage control policies over their data as well as ensures that only designated entities can access and manage the personal data by leveraging the use of Smart Contracts and cryptography.
Essentially, an Ethereum token contract is a smart contract that holds a map of account addresses and their balances. The balance is a value that is defined by the contract creator - in can be fungible physical objects, another monetary value. The unit of this balance is commonly called a token.
The platform consists of some personal data management functionalities:
Identity Management
: ... -
: ... -
: ... -
Access Control
: Access Control level -
Policy Check
: check whether an identity is allowed to access a personal dataset.
In the Hyperledger Fabric network, all actors have an identity known to other participants. The default Membership Service Provider implementation uses X.509 certificates as identities, adopting a traditional Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) hierarchical model.
Using information about creator of a proposal and asset ownership the chaincode should be able implement chaincode-level access control mechanisms checking is actor can initiate transactions that update the asset. The corresponding chaincode logic has to be able to store this "ownership" information associated with the asset and evaluate it with respect to the proposal creator.
In HLF network as unique owner identifier (token balance holder) we can use combination of MSP Identifier and user
identity identifier. Identity identifier - is concatenation of Subject
and Issuer
parts of X.509 certificate.
This ID is guaranteed to be unique within the MSP.
func (c *clientIdentityImpl) GetID() (string, error) {
// The leading "x509::" distinquishes this as an X509 certificate, and
// the subject and issuer DNs uniquely identify the X509 certificate.
// The resulting ID will remain the same if the certificate is renewed.
id := fmt.Sprintf("x509::%s::%s", getDN(&c.cert.Subject), getDN(&c.cert.Issuer))
return base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString([]byte(id)), nil
Client identity chaincode library allows to write chaincode which makes access control decisions based on the identity of the client (i.e. the invoker of the chaincode).
In particular, you may make access control decisions based on either or both of the following associated with the client:
- the client identity's MSP (Membership Service Provider) ID
- an attribute associated with the client identity
CCkit contains identity package with structures and functions can that be used for implementing access control in chaincode.
In our example we use CCKit router for managing smart contract functions. Before you begin, be sure to get CCkit
git clone
and get dependencies using dep
dep ensure -vendor-only
ERC20 example is located in examples/erc20 directory.
First, we need to define chaincode functions. In our example we use router package from CCkit, that allows us to define chaincode methods and their parameters in consistent way.
At first we define init
function (smart contract constructor) with arguments symbol
, name
and totalSupply
After that we define chaincode methods, implementing ERC20 interface, adopted to HLF owner identifiers
(pair of MSP Id and certificate ID). All querying method are prefixed with query
, all writing to state methods are prefixed with
As a result we use default chaincode structure,
that delegates Init
and Invoke
handling to router.
func NewErc20FixedSupply() *router.Chaincode {
r := router.New(`erc20fixedSupply`).Use(p.StrictKnown).
// Chaincode init function, initiates token smart contract with token symbol, name and totalSupply
Init(invokeInitFixedSupply, p.String(`symbol`), p.String(`name`), p.Int(`totalSupply`)).
// Get token symbol
Query(`symbol`, querySymbol).
// Get token name
Query(`name`, queryName).
// Get the total token supply
Query(`totalSupply`, queryTotalSupply).
// get account balance
Query(`balanceOf`, queryBalanceOf, p.String(`mspId`), p.String(`certId`)).
//Send value amount of tokens
Invoke(`transfer`, invokeTransfer, p.String(`toMspId`), p.String(`toCertId`), p.Int(`amount`)).
// Allow spender to withdraw from your account, multiple times, up to the _value amount.
// If this function is called again it overwrites the current allowance with _valu
Invoke(`approve`, invokeApprove, p.String(`spenderMspId`), p.String(`spenderCertId`), p.Int(`amount`)).
// Returns the amount which _spender is still allowed to withdraw from _owner]
Invoke(`allowance`, queryAllowance, p.String(`ownerMspId`), p.String(`ownerCertId`),
p.String(`spenderMspId`), p.String(`spenderCertId`)).
// Send amount of tokens from owner account to another
Invoke(`transferFrom`, invokeTransferFrom, p.String(`fromMspId`), p.String(`fromCertId`),
p.String(`toMspId`), p.String(`toCertId`), p.Int(`amount`))
return router.NewChaincode(r)
Chaincode init
function (token constructor) performs the following actions:
- puts to chaincode state information about chaincode owner, using owner extension from CCkit
- puts to chaincode state token configuration - token symbol, name and total supply
- sets chaincode owner balance with total supply
const SymbolKey = `symbol`
const NameKey = `name`
const TotalSupplyKey = `totalSupply`
func invokeInitFixedSupply(c router.Context) (interface{}, error) {
ownerIdentity, err := owner.SetFromCreator(c)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, `set chaincode owner`)
// save token configuration in state
if err := c.State().Insert(SymbolKey, c.ArgString(`symbol`)); err != nil {
return nil, err
if err := c.State().Insert(NameKey, c.ArgString(`name`)); err != nil {
return nil, err
if err := c.State().Insert(TotalSupplyKey, c.ArgInt(`totalSupply`)); err != nil {
return nil, err
// set token owner initial balance
if err := setBalance(c, ownerIdentity.GetMSPID(), ownerIdentity.GetID(), c.ArgInt(`totalSupply`)); err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, `set owner initial balance`)
return ownerIdentity, nil
We use Id structure from identity package:
// Id structure defines short id representation
type Id struct {
MSP string
Cert string
And define structures for Transfer
and Approve
type (
Transfer struct {
From identity.Id
To identity.Id
Amount int
Approve struct {
From identity.Id
Spender identity.Id
Amount int
Querying function is quite simple - it's just read value from chaincode state:
const SymbolKey = `symbol`
func querySymbol(c r.Context) (interface{}, error) {
return c.State().Get(SymbolKey)
Some of changing state functions are more complicated. For example in function invokeTransfer
we do:
- receive function invoker certificate (via tx
function) - check transfer destination
- get current invoker (payer) balance
- check balance to transfer
of tokens - get recipient balance
- update payer and recipient balances in chaincode state
func invokeTransfer(c r.Context) (interface{}, error) {
// transfer target
toMspId := c.ArgString(`toMspId`)
toCertId := c.ArgString(`toCertId`)
//transfer amount
amount := c.ArgInt(`amount`)
// get informartion about tx creator
invoker, err := identity.FromStub(c.Stub())
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Disallow to transfer token to same account
if invoker.GetMSPID() == toMspId && invoker.GetID() == toCertId {
return nil, ErrForbiddenToTransferToSameAccount
// get information about invoker balance from state
invokerBalance, err := getBalance(c, invoker.GetMSPID(), invoker.GetID())
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Check the funds sufficiency
if invokerBalance-amount < 0 {
return nil, ErrNotEnoughFunds
// Get information about recipient balance from state
recipientBalance, err := getBalance(c, toMspId, toCertId)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Update payer and recipient balance
setBalance(c, invoker.GetMSPID(), invoker.GetID(), invokerBalance-amount)
setBalance(c, toMspId, toCertId, recipientBalance+amount)
// Trigger event with name "transfer" and payload - serialized to json Transfer structure
c.SetEvent(`transfer`, &Transfer{
From: identity.Id{
MSP: invoker.GetMSPID(),
Cert: invoker.GetID(),
To: identity.Id{
MSP: toMspId,
Cert: toCertId,
Amount: amount,
// return current invoker balance
return invokerBalance - amount, nil
// setBalance puts balance value to state
func setBalance(c r.Context, mspId, certId string, balance int) error {
return c.State().Put(balanceKey(mspId, certId), balance)
// balanceKey creates composite key for store balance value in state
func balanceKey(ownerMspId, ownerCertId string) []string {
return []string{BalancePrefix, ownerMspId, ownerCertId}
Also, we can fast test our chaincode via CCkit MockStub.
To start testing we init chaincode via MockStub with test parameters:
var _ = Describe(`ERC-20`, func() {
const TokenSymbol = `HLF`
const TokenName = `HLFCoin`
const TotalSupply = 10000
const Decimals = 3
//Create chaincode mock
erc20fs := testcc.NewMockStub(`erc20`, NewErc20FixedSupply())
// load actor certificates
actors, err := identity.ActorsFromPemFile(`SOME_MSP`, map[string]string{
`token_owner`: `s7techlab.pem`,
`account_holder1`: `victor-nosov.pem`,
//`accoubt_holder2`: `victor-nosov.pem`
}, examplecert.Content)
if err != nil {
BeforeSuite(func() {
// init token haincode
expectcc.ResponseOk(erc20fs.From(actors[`token_owner`]).Init(TokenSymbol, TokenName, TotalSupply, Decimals))
After we can check all token operations:
Describe("ERC-20 transfer", func() {
It("Disallow to transfer token to same account", func() {
`transfer`, actors[`token_owner`].GetMSPID(), actors[`token_owner`].GetID(), 100),
It("Disallow token holder with zero balance to transfer tokens", func() {
`transfer`, actors[`token_owner`].GetMSPID(), actors[`token_owner`].GetID(), 100),
It("Allow token holder with non zero balance to transfer tokens", func() {
`transfer`, actors[`account_holder1`].GetMSPID(), actors[`account_holder1`].GetID(), 100),
`balanceOf`, actors[`token_owner`].GetMSPID(), actors[`token_owner`].GetID()), TotalSupply-100)
`balanceOf`, actors[`account_holder1`].GetMSPID(), actors[`account_holder1`].GetID()), 100)