Java library that handles decoding strings that follow the SCTE 35 Standard: The result is an Plain Old Java Object of type SpliceInfoSection
This library was forked from
- Provide a simple interface that can be instatiated or injected
- Remove Netbeans dependency
- Remove UI dependency
- Compatibility with Android
- Removing dependency to
javax.xml.bind.DatatypeConverter Usingcommons-codec
- Removing
. Usingcommons-codec
- Keep it independent of Android libraries
- Removing dependency to
- Fully define model
- Move to gradle
- Add unit tests
This library is made available via maven repository. Alternatively it can be downloaded and included directly into a private maven repository or directly in the libs folder of the target app.
repositories {
maven {
name = "NFL Scte35"
url = uri("")
dependencies {
implementation ''
Scte35Decoder scte35Decoder = new Scte35Decoder(false);
SpliceInfoSection spliceInfoSection = scte35Decoder.base64Decode("SCTE35_ENCODED_STRING");
//Use values from model: spliceInfoSection
- Make models immutable
- Add more examples to increase code coverage