2.2.0 - Dogmatix
What's Changed
- typo by @EmelineFavreau in #562
- adds missinf citations for bwameme by @jemten in #563
- Few fixes by @ramprasadn in #570
- Add parameters to skip snv calling and repeat analysis by @ramprasadn in #571
- Add a new paramter to skip sv calling by @ramprasadn in #572
- Turn off workflows irrelevant for WES analysis by @ramprasadn in #573
- Refactor by @ramprasadn in #574
- update peddy module by @ramprasadn in #576
- Refactor citations by @ramprasadn in #577
- Fix WES error by @ramprasadn in #578
- Bcftools roh logic update by @ramprasadn in #579
- adds channels to meme mt align by @jemten in #582
- fix: added publishDir mode in raredisease.config by @irliampa in #584
- Reorder SNV annotation subworkflow to improve performance by @ramprasadn in #585
- SV calling error in WES samples by @ramprasadn in #586
- Deepvariant update v1.6.1 by @ramprasadn in #587
- Add an option to pass extra resources to vcfanno by @ramprasadn in #588
- Add feature to pass vcf.gz files as an additional resource for vcfanno by @ramprasadn in #589
- makes 0 an allowed value for sex by @jemten in #595
- Update docs by @ramprasadn in #594
- Change lane type from number to string by @ramprasadn in #597
- Add option to supply bed file with PAR regions & enable haploid analysis for males by @ramprasadn in #598
- bwamem2 for mt by @ramprasadn in #600
- Updating Sentieon DNAscope ml-model by @asp8200 in #601
- Resolve issues that cropped up when aligner and mt_aligner were different by @ramprasadn in #605
- Add option to generate csi index for managed variants by @ramprasadn in #606
- Change platform description and update vcf2cytosure conditional by @ramprasadn in #607
- Updatevep from v110-112 by @ramprasadn in #609
- Release 2.2.0 by @ramprasadn in #580
New Contributors
- @EmelineFavreau made their first contribution in #562
- @irliampa made their first contribution in #584
Full Changelog: 2.1.0...2.2.0