When the Font Directory appears, install fonts if you haven't already, and restart VSCODE once you have.
Note: this is because of OS
limitations, the fonts must be installed manually
Activate NextDev Pack Config
Deactivate NextDev Pack Config
Reset NextDev Pack Config
Note: to run commands, press ctrl+shift+p
to open the command palette, and then type each one and click on it.
Here are the configurations this plugin will use
"editor.fontLigatures": true,
"workbench.iconTheme": "material-icon-theme",
"workbench.colorTheme": "One Dark Pro",
"editor.defaultFormatter": "esbenp.prettier-vscode",
"editor.inlineSuggest.enabled": true,
"editor.fontFamily": "'fira code'",
"editor.fontLigatures": "true",
"editor.fontWeight": "normal",
"editor.fontSize": 12,
"editor.codeActionsOnSave": {
"source.fixAll.eslint": "always",
"source.fixAll": "always"
"tailwindCSS.experimental.classRegex": [
// obj with prefix cls, Styles const sizesCls ={ sm: 'text-sm'}
// JavaScript string variable const css = `bg-red-300 ${a}`; or const css = "bg-red-300"
// fn
["(?:tw|cn)\\(([^)]*)\\)", "(?:'|\"|`)([^\"'`]*)(?:'|\"|`)"],
// dom
["classList.(?:add|remove)\\(([^)]*)\\)", "(?:'|\"|`)([^\"'`]*)(?:'|\"|`)"],
// data class
- 1- One Dark Pro - Atom's iconic One Dark theme for Visual Studio Code
- 2- Material Icon Theme - Material Design Icons for Visual Studio Code
- 3- FiraCode Font - Professional Font for Developers
- 4- Prettier - Code formatter
- 5- Sublime Text Keymap - Sublime Text keybindings
- 6- Tailwind CSS IntelliSense - Tailwind CSS IntelliSense
- 7- Material Theme - Material Design theme for Visual Studio Code
- 8- Material Product Icons - Product Icons for Visual Studio Code
- 9- Codeium AI - AI-powered code autocomplete
- 10- EditorConfig - EditorConfig Support
- 11- ESLint - Integrates ESLint into VS Code
- 12- Code Spell Checker - Spelling checker for your code
- 13- I18n Ally - Internationalization support
- 14- Shell Format - Format shell scripts
- 15- Path Intellisense - Autocomplete filenames
- 16- Genlen Supercharge Git within VS Code
Currently it's support only local install
Go to left side menu click on extention then click install from VSIX from HERE
Tailwind CSS IntelliSense
to make it working like this you need to config like my config VS Code settings
- Option Pack for backend and front-end
- Check list before install
- Publish to vscode store