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Web Application Open Platform Interface


WOPI or to give it its official name, Web Application Open Platform Interface, is an interface protocol that is used between Microsoft Office Online Server and a compatible file store. It was originally defined so Office Online could interact with SharePoint documents, and provide users with a consistent online office experience.


The HUB application generates marketing material in word document format, and stores the files within a Azure Blob store. From time to time the user may need to view or change the document, so will need to be able to read and write back changes. The users have also expressed a preference for using Word to do the editing as it is the word processor they are most familiar with.


Probably the best way to describe the infrastructure of this system is to build it a block at a time.

Step 1, Update the hub deployment to make the storage RA-GRS, this will automatically copy data contained in the storage account to a secondary data centre.

  • Make initial steps towards making the solution resistive to disaster conditions.
    • The hub will need to be updated to make use of the circuit breaker pattern so it can read from the secondary data centre if we encounter transient read failures on the primary.
    • If Microsoft determines there is a issue with the primary DC then it will flip writes to the secondary, and will manage the data correction when the primary DC is available again.
  • The key here is changing the storage account type to RA-GRS, changing the HUB Web Application to take advantage of this feature is not a necessary change at this point.

Wopi Simple

Step 2, If we just focus on Northern Europe, we can see how the WOPI server connects to the hub.

  • The Hub Web Application creates documents and stores them in the storage
  • The Hub Web Application would include a link to the document in the file store on its web pages.
  • When the use wishes to open the file then the filename and path should be passed to the Office Online Server (OOS) via a IFrame.
  • The OOS calls the WOPI Host requesting the file.
  • The Wopi Host validates that it can process the document by viewing the OOS Discovery document.
  • The Wopi Host retrieves the document from the storage and returns it to the OSS server to display.

Shared Components

  • On the diagram the shared components, for administrative reasons, are all within the Northern Europe Subscription or the Wopi Host Resource group, but are global components and are accessible to both NE and WE WOPI resource groups.
  • CosmosDb
    • Used to store file meta data
  • Application insights
    • Collects log information and can generate simple dashboard charts
    • Log Analytics can provide deeper analysis of Application Insights data
  • Azure Active Directory (AAD)
    • All the application components are registered to the Enterprise application via Managed Service Identity (MSI)
    • All users should be assigned to the AAD and given appreciate permissions, preferable via groups.
  • Key Vault
    • Keeper of secrets and connection strings.
    • This resource contains the unique values for this environment, enables the resource to redeployable

Wopi Simple

Final redundant, balanced deployment

This setup enables requests to be routed to either datacentre and provides a level of redundancy and recovery. The WOPI resource group would be separately deployable to the rest of the HUB application, although it will use the HUB storage account for its file store.

Wopi Balanced

Current State of the POC

The POC has been ongoing for some time on a adhoc basis due to issues that have been encountered and the reliance on other teams to help solve them.

The solution includes a project which implements the Patterns and Practice demo application and an ARM Template deployment script. The solution has been designed so it can be torn down and redeployed at any time, and relies on the build agent to supply the relevant environmental secrets and connections. Building the application in this way allows us to build the application once and deploy it to many environments, the only difference being the injected environmental values.

Current issue

There seems to be a missing Certificate on the WOPI Host. The WOPI Host doesnt have one. When the the user requests to View or Edit a file the WOPI host sends to the browser a url which has the address of the Office server and a parameter which has the address of the file. The File is a HTTPS address on the WOPI HOST. and we are currently getting TLS SSL Issues.

Wopi Sequence


Currently the Antares-Alpha-NEU-RG VNet Gateway can see the wopi Office Online Server, but unfortunately the WOPIHost RG cannot. The issue lies in the routing, James is working through the issues.

Wopi Balanced

After commenting out the OOS interaction I have been able to see how the WopiHost handles its files. The demo interface consists of a file list, as there are no files in the repository the list is empty. The headdings bar is active, so you can drag any file onto the heading and it will instigate a file upload. With the OOS connections disabled the host is not doing any validation, so it will take anything and store it. The file information is stored in the cosmos db and a encrypted file is stored in the file repository. One thing to note, as this is storing a new file, it creates a container(directory) in the stroage which is named after the user.

Wopi filestore

Wopi cosmosdb

The JSON record that is in the database is included below. Most of the elements a null, or default, as it hasnt been able to populate it with data from discovery. Also the name of the file and container it resides is specified here..

    "UserId": null,
    "CloseUrl": null,
    "HostEditUrl": null,
    "HostViewUrl": null,
    "SupportsCoauth": false,
    "SupportsExtendedLockLength": false,
    "SupportsFileCreation": false,
    "SupportsFolders": false,
    "SupportsGetLock": true,
    "SupportsLocks": true,
    "SupportsRename": true,
    "SupportsScenarioLinks": false,
    "SupportsSecureStore": false,
    "SupportsUpdate": true,
    "SupportsUserInfo": true,
    "LicensesCheckForEditIsEnabled": true,
    "ReadOnly": false,
    "RestrictedWebViewOnly": false,
    "UserCanAttend": false,
    "UserCanNotWriteRelative": false,
    "UserCanPresent": false,
    "UserCanRename": true,
    "UserCanWrite": true,
    "WebEditingDisabled": false,
    "Actions": null,
    "id": "40f424a1-3aed-498c-b929-92a35152a16e",
    "LockValue": null,
    "LockExpires": null,
    "OwnerId": "",
    "BaseFileName": "120027 - [Tech] EPC Graph.docx",
    "Container": "gary-newport-knightfrank-com",
    "Size": 1505043,
    "Version": 1,
    "UserInfo": null,
    "_rid": "UjJIANtWPJoBAAAAAAAAAA==",
    "_self": "dbs/UjJIAA==/colls/UjJIANtWPJo=/docs/UjJIANtWPJoBAAAAAAAAAA==/",
    "_etag": "\"5b003fb8-0000-0000-0000-5c812a770000\"",
    "_attachments": "attachments/",
    "_ts": 1551968887

Hub Security

WOPI knows nothing of the HUB and its particular implementation of security. The WOPI demo application renders a link to the document using normal Html anchor tags, which point to the Wopi Host Api, and specify a file , in this case representd by a GUID and a action, to be proformd on the document


When this is implemented within the Hub application it would need to represented in much the same way. The Wopi Host would need to be changed to search for the doucment within the HUB attachment tables. The HUB attachment tables would need to return the above json.

The WOPI host would need to supply a HUB method, the user requesting and the file id. The returned Json needs to specify the location of the file, and the access rights that this user has.

Wopi Flow Wopi Flow Wopi Flow

Wopi High




  • Ability to edit word document generated from template without a need to manually upload new version

    • While the user is editing the document it is checked out to them for editing
    • The attchament table should be updated with the User and time (LockUser, LockTime)
  • Another user is prevented from editing a document that is currently being being edited, and they are shown the following message: "[username] is currently editing this document" - either this, or some kind of indicator in the attachments area showing that the document is being updated by the user.

  • A request to edit a document should check the attachment table first. If a LockUser/LockTime exists then refuse the user.

  • If x amount of time has passed then the check out expires for the user

    • A document can be check out for 12 hours.
  • If the user closes word then they lose their check out

    • This will depend on how the user closes there session.
      • If the user closes the browser, then
        • either
          • The state will be remain checked out to the editing user, until the LockTime elapses.
          • Capture the window.onbeforeunload event and clear the attachment LockUser and Time.
      • If the user closes word or saves a document then the application should handle the close and act acordingly, and clear the attachment table LockUser/LockTime

Currently when word document is generated from template, you need to save a copy on the disk and manually upload new version. New version should be uploaded automatically on save.


  • Ability to open the word document in the word desktop client
    • WOPI will allow editing of documents within a browser, but not allow for the document to be loaded into a desktop version of office applications
  • Ability to save the changes directly from word, which are then uploaded to the Blob storage - and we accept that the user could click save as instead and save it locally
    • WOPI interacts with blob storage to read and write documents, and no where else.
  • There should be no time out
    • WOPI checkout times are currently set to 12 hours.
  • What happens if another user tries to access the document at the same time that it is being updated
    • Another user should be able to view the document at any time, and they will get the current version that is save to blob store.
  • What happens if another user tried to edit the same document at the same time? Do they get some kind of message or is there some kind of lock icon preventing them from editing it
    • The current active Lock User and Lock Time should be saved to the attachment table, any subsequent user will only be able to view until the lock is relinquished.
  • If it's a lock, how will the lock get relinquished?
    • The lock is relinquished if
      • The user saves a document, thus clearing the attachment table
      • A request to edit a document encounters a Lock Time in the attachment table that is older than 12 hours.

Wopi Physical

Wopi Context

Wopi Container

Wopi Component

Wopi Simple


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