The OpenWRT package for AirSane
Some OpenWRT packages are attached to releases.
If you'd like more architectures or OpenWRT versions included in those, please raise a PR that adds them
to .github/workflows/build.yml
Build the package for yourself using the OpenWRT SDK. The easiest way is to use the Docker image from
docker run --rm -v "$(pwd)"/bin/:/home/build/openwrt/bin -it openwrtorg/sdk:<target>-<subtarget>[-<branch>]
Example for latest (at time of writing) for Xiaomi router 3g (non v2):
docker run --rm -v "$(pwd)"/bin/:/home/build/openwrt/bin -it openwrtorg/sdk:ramips-mt7621-21.02.1
or for the Raspberry Pi Zero for OpenWrt 22.03.2:
docker run --rm -v "$(pwd)"/bin/:/home/build/openwrt/bin -it openwrtorg/sdk:bcm27xx-bcm2708-22.03.2
The continuous integration in this repository also builds some packages as artifacts. See "Actions" tab.
Add repository
echo "src-git airsaned" >> feeds.conf.default
Update feeds
./scripts/feeds update base packages airsaned && make defconfig && ./scripts/feeds install airsaned
make package/airsaned/compile V=s -j <CORES_NUM>
- Copy package to temp folder on your router
scp bin/packages/<ARCH>/airsaned/airsaned-<VERSION>.ipk root@<YOUR_ROUTER_IP>:/tmp
- Login via ssh
ssh root@<YOUR_ROUTER_IP>
- Install package via opkg
opkg install /tmp/airsaned-<VERSION>.ipk
You can edit configuration here
/etc/init.d/airsaned start
Run at startup
/etc/init.d/airsaned enable
This is a fork of the original implementation by polikasov, with changes by nevian427, ypopovych and shawnking07 merged in.