GoPro RasPi Photobooth: Use a GoPro connected to a Raspberry Pi as a photobooth.
This project uses ffmpeg, quick2wire-gpio-admin, nodejs, nginx and php.
You will see a live preview of your GoPro in your browserwindow.
Add a Pulled-Up Button to RasPi's pin 7 (GPIO4) to use it as remote shutter.
##How to use:
- install FFmpeg (source:
- install nodeJS >=6.0.0
- add GoPro's WiFi to your wpa_supplicant.conf
- install quick2wire-gpio-admin (source:
- install nginx, php5-fpm, php5-gd
- change ip in web/config/system.conf.php to RasPi's ip (stream, socket)
For more information (how to build/compile this photobooth) visit:
Thanks to motammi for cleaning up my messy nodeJs.
Based on the work of konradIT: