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This work is forked from

This package is forked from implements DNS filtering using Flashstart servers.

Every request from local zones to port tcp/udp 53, is redirected to Unbound.

Unbound is configured as follow:

  • Forward queries for server machine domain to dnsmasq
  • Forward reverse queries for all green interfaces to dnsmasq
  • Forward every remaining query to Flashstart DNS ( and

Please note that queries from the server itself are never filtered.

Note: When this package is installed, DNSBL from nethserver-mail-filter may not correctly work.



  • Bypass: comma-separeted list of firewall object (or ip addresses) which are not redirect to Unbound. Flashstart DNS can't be bypassed if the client is using Squid to surf the web.
  • Password: password for Flashstart service
  • Roles: comma-separated list of Roles, default to green. The red role is not allowed.
  • Username: user name for Flashstart service
  • status: can be enabled or disabled. Default to disabled.
  • UpdateInterval: a cronjob to update the WAN IP address is executed each UpdateInterval minutes. Default 30.
  • PortalUrl: portal URL to be used inside the UI



Usage from command line

After registering at, configure Flashstart and enable access to Unbound:

config setprop flashstart status enabled
config setprop flashstart Password <pass>
config setprop flashstart Username <user>

signal-event nethserver-flashstart-hybrid-save

Changing the update interval:

config setprop flashstart UpdateInterval 5
signal-event nethserver-flashstart-hybrid-save

Force IP renewal

If you need to notify a public IP has change, execute:


Cockpit API

read API

This api can return:

  • flashstart configuration
  • the list of network roles configured on the system: only green, blue and hotspot roles are considered.


  • config: flashstart, networkRoles or dashboard

Input example (flashstart)

  "config": "flashstart"

Output example (flashstart)

  "configuration": {
    "type": "configuration",
    "name": "flashstart",
    "props": {
      "status": "enabled",
      "Username": "",
      "Roles": "green",
      "Bypass": ",",
      "UpdateInterval": "30",
      "Password": "s3cr3t!"

Input example (networkRoles)

  "config": "networkRoles"

Output example (networkRoles)

  "configuration": {
    "networkRoles": [

Input example (dashboard)

  "config": "dashboard"

Output example (dashboard)

  "configuration": {
    "loginOk": true,
    "flashstartEnabled": "enabled"

validate API

This api validates the input before updating flashstart configuration.


  • enableFlashstart: toggles FlashStart activation, can be enabled or disabled
  • username: username of FlashStart account
  • password: password of FlashStart account
  • rolesFilter: specifies on which types of networks FlashStart filter should be enabled
  • bypass: list of source IP addresses and/or networks in CIDR notation on which FlashStart filter should be disabled

Input example

  "enableFlashstart": "enabled",
  "username": "",
  "password": "s3cr3t!",
  "rolesFilter": [
  "bypass": [

Output example

  "state": "success"

update API

This api updates flashstart configuration.


Same input as validate.