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ART.IAL is an e-commerce website with artwork gallery where you can not only view but also purchase available artwork.

At the beginning of 2020, my sister started experimenting with paint on canvases that has now gained popularity amongst family, friends, colleagues as well as enquiries from her followers on Instagram. I have therefore decided to commit in creating a website for my sister as a professional platform to sell her artwork. After my graduation, this site will be used as fully functional e-commerce platform.

Site display on different screens



Project Goals

This project is my final project for the Code Institute's Full stack development programme. The main goal of this project is to create an e-commerce site using Django framework, which is hosted with AWS as well as implementing a fully functional payment system with Stripe.

Site Owner Goals

  • Provide the users with a professional e-commerce online shop to allow secure purchases
  • Make profit selling artwork
  • Promote the artwork and the brand of the artist

Site Visitor/User Goals

  • View new artwork produced by the artist
  • Ability to buy artwork online

User Stories

Applies to all site users:

  • As a user, I am able to access the site on my mobile, tablet, and desktop which is adapted to provide the best experience.

  • As a user, I am able to easily navigate through the website without too much thought and find what I am looking for quickly.

  • As a user, I am able to identify instantly what the site is all about and what it has to offer.

  • As a user, I am able to contact the site owner using a simple form.

  • As a user, I am able to find key information about the artwork I am interested in (such as images, title, dimensions, etc)

  • As a user, I am able to add the artwork to my shopping bag, except if I am a superuser.

  • As a user, I am able to change the content of my shopping bag before continuing to completion (add more or remove the artwork), except if I am a superuser.

  • As a user, I am able to see a full breakdown of the total cost, including the shipping charge before proceeding to payment, except if I am a superuser.

  • As a user, I am able to purchase the artwork using my card in a secure environment, except if I am a superuser.

  • As a user, I am able to receive an email confirmation once I complete the payment, except if I am a superuser.

Applies to new site users:

  • As a user, I am able to create an account.

Applies to all returning users:

  • As a user, I am able to login to my existing account and make a quicker purchase.

  • As a user, I am able to view, save and update my personal information.

  • As a user, I am able to view past orders, except if I am a superuser.

  • As a user, I am able to make purchases quicker by having stored information such as address, except if I am a superuser.

  • As a user, I am able to change or reset my password securely.

Applies to a superuser (site owner):

  • As a user, I am able to securely add, edit and delete the information for the specific artwork listed on the website.

  • As a user, I am able to change the tags on the products to specify new items to promote them.

  • As a user, I am able to receive inquiries from the site users after they fill in the contact form straight to my email inbox.

  • As a user, I am able to get an email with the customer orders when the purchases are made.

  • As a user, I am able to manipulate social media icons in the footer of the site (turn social media icons on/off and edit URLs).

  • As a user, I am able to edit content in the About section of the Home page.

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User Requirements and Expectations


  • Visually pleasant app design
  • Easy site navigation
  • Information of the content layed out in a simple and clear way on both mobile and larger screens
  • Self-explanatory icons where text is absent


  • User information is protected by the site
  • User can manipulate elements of the particular page
  • Quick app load time

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Design Choices


  • Headers, titles

    font-family: 'Krona One', sans-serif;

  • Paragraphs, descriptions

    font-family: 'Lato', sans-serif;


Colour palette

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Site Map

Firstly, I have created a site map to enable me to clearly plan the site design before I started working on the wireframes. It has also helped me to visualize what apps I will need to create to make this project fit for purpose.

Site Layout

I designed my site moc-ups using balsamiq wireframes. I was focusing on defining the basic layout structure of the app and identifying how displays would change on different screen sizes such as mobile, tablet, and desktop.

You can view all wireframes created for this project in site wireframes folder.

*Please note, as I was developing the project, I have identified some weaknesses in the UX and therefore made the required changes. The deployed site looks somewhat different in comparison to the wireframes. These changes will allow the user to have a better experience and allow easier navigation. Some wireframes that are available to view may not be present in current features. This is due to time constraints and I may consider them for the future, therefore, leaving them. I have also added additional superuser features in the front-end that at the time of the site design didn't realize will be required. Wireframes of these features are not included due to time constraints. The design theme of the features is a close match to the overall site to ensure continuation and flow.

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Information Architecture

Database Choice

Database Modelling

Profile App

Title Database Key Field Type Validation
Username user OneToOneField 'User' on_delete=models.CASCADE
Full Name default_full_name CharField max_length=200, null=True, blank=True
Phone number default_phone_number CharField max_length=20, null=True, blank=True
Address Line1 default_address_line1 CharField max_length=80, null=True, blank=True
Address Line2 default_address_line2 CharField max_length=80, null=True, blank=True
Town/City default_town_or_city CharField max_length=40, null=True, blank=True
County default_county CountryField blank_label='County', null=True, blank=True
Postcode default_postcode CharField max_length=20, null=True, blank=True
Country default_country CountryField blank_label='Country', null=True, blank=True

Product App

Product Category
Title Database Key Field Type Validation
Programmatic Name name CharField max_length=50, null=True, blank=False, unique=True
Friendly Name friendly_name CharField max_length=50, null=True, blank=False
Collection Name
Title Database Key Field Type Validation
Programmatic Name name CharField max_length=50, null=True, blank=False, unique=True
Friendly Name friendly_name CharField max_length=50, null=True, blank=False
Title Database Key Field Type Validation
Programmatic Name name CharField max_length=50, null=True, blank=False
Friendly Name friendly_name CharField max_length=50, null=True, blank=False
Artwork Images
Title Database Key Field Type Validation
Name name CharField max_length=254, null=True, blank=False, unique=True
Image img ImageField null=True, blank=False
Image Url image_url URLField max_length=1024, null=True, blank=False
Main image main_img BooleanField default=False
Room view room_view BooleanField default=False
Images Folder
Title Database Key Field Type Validation
Name name CharField max_length=254, null=True, blank=False, unique=True
Artwork Images Folder imgs ManyToManyField' Image
Title Database Key Field Type Validation
Product Category category ForeignKey 'Category' null=True, blank=False, on_delete=models.SET_NULL
Name name CharField max_length=254, null=True, blank=False, unique=True
Friendly Name friendly_name CharField max_length=50, null=True
Collection Name collection_name ForeignKey 'Collection' null=True, blank=False, on_delete=models.SET_NULL
Description description TextField max_length=800, null=True, blank=False
Author author CharField max_length=254, null=True, blank=False
Dimensions dimensions CharField max_length=70, null=True, blank=False
Price price DecimalField max_digits=6, decimal_places=2, validators=[MinValueValidator(0.01)]
Images Folder images_folder ForeignKey 'ImagesFolder' null=True, blank=False, on_delete=models.SET_NULL
Sku sku CharField max_length=254, null=True, blank=False
Tag tag ForeignKey 'Tag' null=True, blank=True, on_delete=models.SET_NULL
Is sold is_sold BooleanField default=False

Checkout App

Title Database Key Field Type Validation
Order Number order_number CharField max_length=32, null=False, editable=False
Profile use_profile ForeignKey 'Profile' on_delete=models.SET_NULL, null=True, blank=True, related_name='orders'
Full Name full_name CharField max_length=50, null=False, blank=False
Email email EmailField max_length=254, null=False, blank=False
Phone number phone_number CharField max_length=20, null=False, blank=False
Address Line1 address_line1 CharField max_length=80, null=False, blank=False
Address Line2 address_line2 CharField max_length=80, null=False, blank=True
Town/City town_or_city CharField max_length=40, null=False, blank=False
County county CharField max_length=80, null=True, blank=True
Country country CountryField blank_label='Country*', null=False, blank=False
Postcode postcode CharField max_length=20, null=True, blank=True
Purchase Date purchase_date DateTimeField auto_now_add=True
Delivery Cost delivery_cost DecimalField max_digits=6, decimal_places=2, null=False, default=0
Order Total order_total DecimalField max_digits=10, decimal_places=2, null=False, default=0
Grand Total grand_total DecimalField max_digits=10, decimal_places=2, null=False, default=0
Original Bag original_bag TextField null=False, blank=False, default=''
Stripe Pid stripe_pid CharField max_length=254, null=False, blank=False, default=''
Order Line
Title Database Key Field Type Validation
Order order ForeignKey 'Order' null=False, blank=False, on_delete=models.CASCADE, related_name='lineitems'
Product product ForeignKey 'Product' null=False, blank=False, on_delete=models.PROTECT
Quantity quantity IntegerField null=False, blank=False, default=1
Line Item Total line_item_total DecimalField max_digits=6, decimal_places=2, null=False, blank=False, editable=False
Datetime datetime CharField null=True, blank=True, max_length=20

Home App

About Section
Title Database Key Field Type Validation
Name name CharField max_length=254
Description description TextField max_length=800
Social Media Icons
Title Database Key Field Type Validation
Name name TextField choices=SelectName.choices, max_length=254
Icon icon CharField choices=SelectIcon.choices, max_length=50
Icon url url URLField max_length=1024, default= '', null=True, blank=True

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Libraries & Frameworks


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Art-ial website is designed using five applications: Home, Products, Profiles, Bag, and Checkout.

Implemented Features

  • The site has responsive design when viewed on a mobile, tablet, and desktop.
  • Easy navigation to external sites, such as social media accounts.
  • The user is given feedback when they interact with the website (i.e. when items are added/deleted from the bag, or payment is processed, or they send an enquiry using the form on the Home page).
  • Purchased artwork is immediately allocated sold tag, removed from Shop page and is only visible in the Gallery page.

User Account

  • The users can create an account where they can store personal information such as their address and edit their details.
  • Password re-set.

Super User

  • Existing content about the artwork can be edited, updated, or completely deleted by the Super User in the front end.
  • The Super User can add new artwork to Gallery and Shop sections of the site.
  • The Super User can change the content displayed in the About section of the site.
  • The Super User can add/remove/edit additional social media icons displayed in the footer.
  • The Super User can see the history of all orders.

Gallery page

  • The artwork has allocated tags that are visible to allow the user to identify if it's available for purchase, sold or is newly added.
  • Room view image is available for the users to view to enhance the experience.

Shop page

  • All of the artwork listed on this page is available for purchase.
  • Room view image is available for the users to enhance the shopping experience.

Shopping bag

  • Items added to the shopping bag appear in the shopping bag in the navigation part of the header.
  • Artwork can be removed from the shopping bag.
  • The user can choose to proceed to payment.


  • Existing users who have previously made a purchase and are logged in, have their delivery address pre-populated when they proceed to payment.
  • Checkout page shows the summary of the order.
  • Payment can be made by card using Stripe.

Future Features

  • The Super User can update video banner content and contact info.
  • The Super User can switch quick links on and off, and add others.
  • FAQ app, which would hold some useful information about shipping, payments, refunds and any other relevant questions answered that many users will have. This would prevent them from filling in a contact form.
  • Search function in the gallery page to narrow down and search for all artwork, new, sold or available to purchase artwork.

The reason this feature was not implemented right now as it is not necessary. Art-ial is a small e-commerce site with only a few items available for purchase. Should the site grow, this feature will be reconsidered.

Redundant features

During the development of the site, I have identified a few features that will not be included in the current site or in future. They are:

  • The Super User can change the pictures displays in New Artwork and Gallery preview carousels located in the Home page.

This section was completely removed from the site as I have identified a better and more UX friendly solution by keeping only video-banner on a home page.

  • User can completely delete their account.

Superuser can remove user account in the admin section of the site. This option will not be given to registered users but can be requested by filling in a form.

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Changes applied since planning


Testing was done manually throughout the development process. The full rundown of the testing can be found in a separate file.

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The Art-ial project was deployed using the VS Code IDE, using Git and GitHub for version control. It is hosted on Heroku and all static files, including images, are hosted in AWS S3 Bucket. Stripe is used for payments and gMail for an email account.

Before deploying the application, install the following:

  • Python 3
  • PIP
  • Git
  • Heroku CLI

Local Deployment

To deploy Art-ial locally, take the following steps:

  1. From the applications repository, click the code button and download the zip file.

    Alternatively, you can clone the repository using the following line in your terminal:

git clone
  1. Access the folder in your terminal window and install the application's required modules with the following command:
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
  1. Create file to hold your environmental variables in the root level of the application:
import os

os.environ.setdefault('STRIPE_SECRET_KEY', 'YOUR_STRIPE_SECRET_KEY')
os.environ.setdefault('STRIPE_PUBLIC_KEY', 'YOUR_STRIPE_PUBLIC_KEY')
os.environ.setdefault('STRIPE_WH_SECRET', 'YOUR_STRIPE_WH_SECRET')
os.environ.setdefault('DATABASE_URL', 'YOUR_DATABASE_URL')
os.environ.setdefault('SECRET_KEY', 'YOUR_DJANGO_SECRET_KEY')
os.environ.setdefault('DEVELOPMENT', '1')
os.environ.setdefault('AWS_S3_REGION_NAME', 'YOUR_REGION')
os.environ.setdefault('AWS_STORAGE_BUCKET_NAME', 'YOUR_BUCKET_NAME')
os.environ.setdefault('STRIPE_CURRENCY', 'YOUR_CURRENCY')
os.environ.setdefault('LANGUAGE_CODE', 'YOUR_LANGUAGE_CODE')
os.environ.setdefault('TIME_ZONE', 'YOUR_TIMEZONE')
os.environ.setdefault('EMAIL_HOST_USER', 'YOUR_EMAIL_USER')
os.environ.setdefault('EMAIL_HOST', '') # if you use gmail 

If you plan to make your repository public, ensure you add .env file to .gitignore before committing.

  1. If your IDE terminal, migrate the models to create the database using the following commands:
python makemigrations
python migrate
  1. Create a superuser to access the admin panel using the following command:
python createsuperuser

Then follow the instructions to create the superuser.

  1. After you login to the admin panel, you can add data to be displayed in your app for HOME and PRODUCT apps. Refer to database modeling. Alternatively, you can use fixtures, follow below command to load data into the database in the following order:


product_categories, collections, tags, images, images_folder and only then products.


about_section, social_media_icons.

python loaddata <fixture_name>
  1. To initiate the application, type the command python runserver in your terminal. The application is now available in your browser at the address: http://localhoset:8000

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Deployment to Heroku

To deploy the app to Heroku, use the following steps:

  1. Ensure you have the following dependancies installed in your app, such as PostgressSQL driver for Python, WSHI HTTP Server and dj database url that connects the the app with the database:
pip3 install psycopg2-binary

pip3 install install gunicorn

pip3 install dj_database_url
  1. If you haven't already, create requirements.txt file containing all of the dependancies:
pip3 freeze > requirements.txt
  1. Create a Procfile that contains the following: web: gunicorn art_i_al.wsgi:application.
  2. Push these newly created files to your repository master.
  3. Login to Heroku and create a new app.
  4. In Heroku dashboard of the new app, click deploy, then deployment method and select GitHub to connect your app to your github repository for automatic deployment.
  5. In Heroku Resources tab, navigate to Add-Ons section and search for Heroku Postgres. I recommend you choose hobby level for this application.
  6. In settings tab, navigate to Reveal Config Vars and add the following variables:
EMAIL_HOST (if using gmail)
  1. In in your IDE, temporarily comment out the database and use below code instead (make sure you do not commit!):
        'default': dj_database_url.parse('POSTGRESS URL')
  1. In terminal, migrate the models to create the Postgress database using the following commands:
python makemigrations
python migrate
  1. Create a superuser to access the admin panel using the following command:
python createsuperuser

Then follow the instructions to create the superuser.

  1. After you login to the admin panel, you can add data to be displayed in your app for HOME and PRODUCT apps. Refer to database modeling. Alternatively, you can use fixtures, follow below command to load data into the database in the following order:


product_categories, collections, tags, images, images_folder and only then products.


about_section, social_media_icons.

python loaddata <fixture_name>
  1. Remove the temporary database from and uncomment the original code, then push the code to origin.
  2. Back to in Heroku dashboad, deploy the application.
  3. To view the site, click on View App.

Hosting Media files in AWS

The static and media files are hosted in the AWS S3 Bucket. To host them, you need to create an account in AWS and create your S3 basket with public access. More about setting it up you can read in Amazon S3 documentation and this tutorial.

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Image editing

  • I have used the snippet tool for capturing screengrabs which I saved as images.
  • I have also used to convert MP4 video files to gif files used in
  • Image size editor
  • Video Compressor
  • Videezy for video content on the home page.

Code ideas

  • Project was developed by following the Code Institute video course 'Boutique Ado'.
  • Stack Overflow for finding solutions or hints on how to solve issues and how to make it work.
  • I referred to the Django documentation sources during the development.
  • Former CI student's projects.

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I'd like to say thank you to everyone who has supported me throughout this project:

  • My husband James and my Sister Indre - you were great at supporting me! Thank you ❤
  • Fellow CI Students and Tutors - to name a few: Simon, Karol, Michael, Igor, Chris
  • Big thank you to everyone who tested my site, including Byllsa, Daisy, Richard and anonymous Ngiap! Thanks for breaking my site and allowing me to fix it! ❤
  • My mentor Simen Daehlin - you're the best.

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Code Institute Milestone Project 4 Grade: Merit






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