Hirahira is a PHP/MySQL content management system designed to organize and display large video catalogs, with an emphasis on live stream recordings (including syncronized playback of chat logs.) It was written by Jacob Kauffmann at Nerd on the Street.
Hirahira is a proof-of-concept project and is not currently easy to install. A MySQL database must be created manually (see database-structure.txt for what the database should look like.) Configuration options must be entered in the config.php file.
If you find this CMS useful, you can support development by joining the Nerd Club at nerdclub.nots.co.
Hirahira is licensed under the terms of the GNU GPLv3. The full text of this license is included in the LICENSE file.
Hirahira includes the following third-party assets:
- Code Font - Published as "100% Free."
- Oxygen Font - Published under the Open Font License 1.1.
- Source Sans Pro Font - Published under the Open Font License 1.1.
- jQuery - Published under the MIT (Expat) license.
- VideoJS - Published under the Apache Licence 2.0.
- VideoJS Resolution Switcher - Published under the Apache License 2.0.