This firmware turns an ATmega MCU into an RC (radio control) bidirectional dual motor driver:
- By default, RC channel 1 controls forward/reverse for both motors while RC channel 2 controls differential steering between them.
- In independent mode, RC channels 1 and 2 control the motors independently.
- iBUS servo interface can be used to connect to a FlySky receiver.
- Controls need to be returned to their initial positions (re-armed) on startup or signal loss.
- Status LED indicates how many RC channels are active by blinking that number of times.
- Watchdog resets the device in case of signal loss.
- ATmega16U4
- ATmega32U4 (Teensy 2.0, Arduino Micro/Leonardo)
- ATmega32U6
- cmake
- avr-gcc
- avr-libc
- avrdude
Check out #define statements at the beginning of src/config.h to see if you need to change settings before building the firmware. Options to consider:
The default PWM frequency is 16kHz at 8Mhz clock. It can be decreased by a multiple of 2 using the PWM_DIV value. It can also be doubled by switching to 16Mhz clock via the CLK_16MHZ option.
The output pins can be inverted via the *_INV options.
If iBUS is used, RC-to-RX channel mapping can be configured using the IBUS_CHx values.
To build, run (with your own MCU):
cmake -B build -D MCU=ATMEGA32U4
cd build
To install on the device using AVRDUDE, run (with your own programmer):
make PROG=usbasp flash
or for Teensy 2.0:
make flash-teensy
Pin | # | I/O | Description |
D4 | 4 | IN | RC channel 1 |
C7 | 13 | IN | RC channel 2 |
D2 | 0 | IN | iBUS servo |
D7 | 6 | OUT | PWM 1 |
B6 | 10 | OUT | PWM 2 |
F7 | 18 | OUT | Forward 1 |
F6 | 19 | OUT | Forward 2 |
B4 | 8 | OUT | Reverse 1 |
B5 | 9 | OUT | Reverse 2 |
D6 | 12 | OUT | Status LED |
Numbers denote Arduino pins.
Check out this How-To for more information.