- Specification containing the "problem" description
- Acceptance criteria
- Calculations: National Insurance contributions and Tax
- Examples: National Insurance contributions and Tax calculations
- Re-written specification (whole or parts of it)
- Mindmap describing the problem
- Specification written in Gherkin
- Test specifications written in Cucumber
- Create Trello cards breaking down the problems into smaller parts
Think of artifacts / deliverables that will make the coding process easier and increase the accuracy of the results, starting from the next task.
Hint: pick the simplest part of the above task, consider the Problem description, Scenario 1, Acceptance criteria, Calculations (specific to Scenario 1), Examples (specific to Scenario 1) in your first attempt (iteration). Get rid of buffer words and statements to filter out the essense.
Task 2: print a salary slip with employee details for an employee (annual gross salary of £24,000.00)
See Scenario 1
Note: look at the Acceptance criteria, Calculations: National Insurance contributions and Tax and Examples: National Insurance contributions and Tax calculations before starting this section.
Task 3: print a salary slip with employee details for an employee (annual gross salary of £45,000.00)
See Scenario 2
Note: look at the Acceptance criteria, Calculations: National Insurance contributions and Tax and Examples: National Insurance contributions and Tax calculations before starting this section.
Task 4: print a salary slip with employee details for an employee (annual gross salary of £101,000.00)
See Scenario 3
Note: look at the Acceptance criteria, Calculations: National Insurance contributions and Tax and Examples: National Insurance contributions and Tax calculations before starting this section.
See Scenario 4
Note: look at the Acceptance criteria, Calculations: National Insurance contributions and Tax and Examples: National Insurance contributions and Tax calculations before starting this section.
See Resources to get a glimpse of how this is done in the real world.