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Native: implement native Notary contract
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Close #2897. Depends on #3175.

Signed-off-by: Anna Shaleva <>
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AnnaShaleva committed Mar 19, 2024
1 parent 24135ff commit 77ffe09
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Showing 6 changed files with 578 additions and 9 deletions.
7 changes: 1 addition & 6 deletions src/Neo/Network/P2P/Payloads/NotaryAssisted.cs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -20,11 +20,6 @@ namespace Neo.Network.P2P.Payloads
public class NotaryAssisted : TransactionAttribute
/// <summary>
/// Native Notary contract hash stub used until native Notary contract is properly implemented.
/// </summary>
private static readonly UInt160 notaryHash = Neo.SmartContract.Helper.GetContractHash(UInt160.Zero, 0, "Notary");

/// <summary>
/// Indicates the number of keys participating in the transaction (main or fallback) signing process.
/// </summary>
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -55,7 +50,7 @@ public override JObject ToJson()

public override bool Verify(DataCache snapshot, Transaction tx)
return tx.Signers.Any(p => p.Account.Equals(notaryHash));
return tx.Signers.Any(p => p.Account.Equals(NativeContract.Notary.Hash));

/// <summary>
Expand Down
5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions src/Neo/SmartContract/Native/NativeContract.cs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -103,6 +103,11 @@ public CacheEntry GetAllowedMethods(NativeContract native, ApplicationEngine eng
/// </summary>
public static OracleContract Oracle { get; } = new();

/// <summary>
/// Gets the instance of the <see cref="Notary"/> class.
/// </summary>
public static Notary Notary { get; } = new();


/// <summary>
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336 changes: 336 additions & 0 deletions src/Neo/SmartContract/Native/Notary.cs
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@@ -0,0 +1,336 @@
// Copyright (C) 2015-2024 The Neo Project.
// Notary.cs file belongs to the neo project and is free
// software distributed under the MIT software license, see the
// accompanying file LICENSE in the main directory of the
// repository or
// for more details.
// Redistribution and use in source and binary forms with or without
// modifications are permitted.

#pragma warning disable IDE0051

using Neo.Cryptography;
using Neo.Cryptography.ECC;
using Neo.IO;
using Neo.Network.P2P;
using Neo.Network.P2P.Payloads;
using Neo.Persistence;
using Neo.SmartContract.Iterators;
using Neo.SmartContract.Manifest;
using Neo.VM;
using Neo.VM.Types;
using System;
using System.Buffers.Binary;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Numerics;
using Array = Neo.VM.Types.Array;

namespace Neo.SmartContract.Native
/// <summary>
/// The Notary native contract used for multisignature transactions forming assistance.
/// </summary>
public sealed class Notary : NativeContract
/// <summary>
/// A default value for maximum allowed NotValidBeforeDelta. It is set to be
/// 20 rounds for 7 validators, a little more than half an hour for 15-seconds blocks.
/// </summary>
private const int DefaultMaxNotValidBeforeDelta = 140;
/// <summary>
/// A default value for deposit lock period.
/// </summary>
private const int DefaultDepositDeltaTill = 5760;
private const byte Prefix_Deposit = 1;
private const byte Prefix_MaxNotValidBeforeDelta = 10;

internal Notary() : base() { }

internal override ContractTask Initialize(ApplicationEngine engine, Hardfork? hardfork)
if (hardfork == ActiveIn)
engine.Snapshot.Add(CreateStorageKey(Prefix_MaxNotValidBeforeDelta), new StorageItem(DefaultMaxNotValidBeforeDelta));
return ContractTask.CompletedTask;

internal override async ContractTask OnPersist(ApplicationEngine engine)
long nFees = 0;
ECPoint[] notaries = null;
foreach (Transaction tx in engine.PersistingBlock.Transactions)
var attr = tx.GetAttribute<NotaryAssisted>();
if (attr is not null)
if (notaries is null) notaries = GetNotaryNodes(engine.Snapshot);
var nKeys = attr.NKeys;
nFees += (long)nKeys + 1;
if (tx.Sender == Hash)
var payer = tx.Signers[1];
var balance = engine.Snapshot.GetAndChange(CreateStorageKey(Prefix_Deposit).Add(payer.Account.ToArray()))?.GetInteroperable<Deposit>();
balance.Amount -= tx.SystemFee + tx.NetworkFee;
if (balance.Amount.Sign == 0) RemoveDepositFor(engine.Snapshot, payer.Account);
if (nFees == 0) return;
var singleReward = CalculateNotaryReward(engine.Snapshot, nFees, notaries.Length);
foreach (var notary in notaries) await GAS.Mint(engine, notary.EncodePoint(true).ToScriptHash(), singleReward, false);

/// <summary>
/// Verify checks whether the transaction is signed by one of the notaries and
/// ensures whether deposited amount of GAS is enough to pay the actual sender's fee.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="engine">ApplicationEngine</param>
/// <param name="sig">Signature</param>
/// <returns>Whether transaction is valid.</returns>
[ContractMethod(CpuFee = 1 << 15, RequiredCallFlags = CallFlags.ReadStates)]
private bool Verify(ApplicationEngine engine, byte[] sig)
Transaction tx = (Transaction)engine.ScriptContainer;
if (tx.GetAttribute<NotaryAssisted>() is null) return false;
foreach (var signer in tx.Signers)
if (signer.Account == Hash)
if (signer.Scopes != WitnessScope.None) return false;
if (tx.Sender == Hash)
if (tx.Signers.Length != 2) return false;
var payer = tx.Signers[1].Account;
var balance = GetDepositFor(engine.Snapshot, payer);
if (balance is null || balance.Amount.CompareTo(tx.NetworkFee + tx.SystemFee) < 0) return false;
ECPoint[] notaries = GetNotaryNodes(engine.Snapshot);
var hash = tx.GetSignData(engine.GetNetwork());
var verified = false;
foreach (var n in notaries)
if (Crypto.VerifySignature(hash, sig, n))
verified = true;
return verified;

/// <summary>
/// OnNEP17Payment is a callback that accepts GAS transfer as Notary deposit.
/// It also sets the deposit's lock height after which deposit can be withdrawn.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="engine">ApplicationEngine</param>
/// <param name="from">GAS sender</param>
/// <param name="amount">The amount of GAS sent</param>
/// <param name="data">Deposit-related data: optional To value (treated as deposit owner if set) and Till height after which deposit can be withdrawn </param>
[ContractMethod(CpuFee = 1 << 15, RequiredCallFlags = CallFlags.All)]
private void OnNEP17Payment(ApplicationEngine engine, UInt160 from, BigInteger amount, StackItem data)
if (engine.CallingScriptHash != GAS.Hash) throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Format("only GAS can be accepted for deposit, got {0}", engine.CallingScriptHash.ToString()));
var to = from;
var additionalParams = (Array)data;
if (additionalParams.Count() != 2) throw new FormatException("`data` parameter should be an array of 2 elements");
if (!additionalParams[0].Equals(StackItem.Null)) to = additionalParams[0].GetSpan().ToArray().AsSerializable<UInt160>();
var till = (uint)additionalParams[1].GetInteger();

var tx = (Transaction)engine.ScriptContainer;
var allowedChangeTill = tx.Sender == to;
var currentHeight = Ledger.CurrentIndex(engine.Snapshot);

Deposit deposit = engine.Snapshot.GetAndChange(CreateStorageKey(Prefix_Deposit).Add(to.ToArray()))?.GetInteroperable<Deposit>();
if (till < currentHeight + 2) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(string.Format("`till` shouldn't be less then the chain's height {0} + 1", currentHeight + 2));
if (deposit != null && till < deposit.Till) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(string.Format("`till` shouldn't be less then the previous value {0}", deposit.Till));
if (deposit is null)
var feePerKey = Policy.GetAttributeFee(engine.Snapshot, (byte)TransactionAttributeType.NotaryAssisted);
if ((long)amount < 2 * feePerKey) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(string.Format("first deposit can not be less then {0}, got {1}", 2 * feePerKey, amount));
deposit = new Deposit() { Amount = 0, Till = 0 };
if (!allowedChangeTill) till = currentHeight + DefaultDepositDeltaTill;
else if (!allowedChangeTill) till = deposit.Till;

deposit.Amount += amount;
deposit.Till = till;
PutDepositFor(engine, to, deposit);

/// <summary>
/// Lock asset until the specified height is unlocked.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="engine">ApplicationEngine</param>
/// <param name="addr">Account</param>
/// <param name="till">specified height</param>
/// <returns>Whether deposit lock height was successfully updated.</returns>
[ContractMethod(CpuFee = 1 << 15, RequiredCallFlags = CallFlags.States)]
public bool LockDepositUntil(ApplicationEngine engine, UInt160 addr, uint till)
if (!engine.CheckWitnessInternal(addr)) return false;
if (till < Ledger.CurrentIndex(engine.Snapshot)) return false;
Deposit deposit = GetDepositFor(engine.Snapshot, addr);
if (deposit is null) return false;
if (till < deposit.Till) return false;
deposit.Till = till;

PutDepositFor(engine, addr, deposit);
return true;

/// <summary>
/// ExpirationOf returns deposit lock height for specified address.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="snapshot">DataCache</param>
/// <param name="acc">Account</param>
/// <returns>Deposit lock height of the specified address.</returns>
[ContractMethod(CpuFee = 1 << 15, RequiredCallFlags = CallFlags.ReadStates)]
public uint ExpirationOf(DataCache snapshot, UInt160 acc)
Deposit deposit = GetDepositFor(snapshot, acc);
if (deposit is null) return 0;
return deposit.Till;

/// <summary>
/// BalanceOf returns deposited GAS amount for specified address.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="snapshot">DataCache</param>
/// <param name="acc">Account</param>
/// <returns>Deposit balance of the specified account.</returns>
[ContractMethod(CpuFee = 1 << 15, RequiredCallFlags = CallFlags.ReadStates)]
public BigInteger BalanceOf(DataCache snapshot, UInt160 acc)
Deposit deposit = GetDepositFor(snapshot, acc);
if (deposit is null) return 0;
return deposit.Amount;

/// <summary>
/// Withdraw sends all deposited GAS for "from" address to "to" address. If "to"
/// address is not specified, then "from" will be used as a sender.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="engine">ApplicationEngine</param>
/// <param name="from">From Account</param>
/// <param name="to">To Account</param>
/// <returns>Whether withdrawal was successfull.</returns>
[ContractMethod(CpuFee = 1 << 15, RequiredCallFlags = CallFlags.States)]
private async ContractTask<bool> Withdraw(ApplicationEngine engine, UInt160 from, UInt160 to)
if (!engine.CheckWitnessInternal(from)) throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Format("Failed to check witness for {0}", from.ToString()));
var receive = to is null ? from : to;
Deposit deposit = GetDepositFor(engine.Snapshot, from);
if (deposit is null) throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Format("Deposit of {0} is null", from.ToString()));
if (Ledger.CurrentIndex(engine.Snapshot) < deposit.Till) throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Format("Can't withdraw before {0}", deposit.Till));
RemoveDepositFor(engine.Snapshot, from);

await engine.CallFromNativeContract(Hash, GAS.Hash, "transfer", Hash.ToArray(), receive.ToArray(), deposit.Amount, null);
return true;

/// <summary>
/// GetMaxNotValidBeforeDelta is Notary contract method and returns the maximum NotValidBefore delta.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="snapshot">DataCache</param>
/// <returns>NotValidBefore</returns>
[ContractMethod(CpuFee = 1 << 15, RequiredCallFlags = CallFlags.ReadStates)]
public uint GetMaxNotValidBeforeDelta(DataCache snapshot)
return (uint)(BigInteger)snapshot[CreateStorageKey(Prefix_MaxNotValidBeforeDelta)];

/// <summary>
/// SetMaxNotValidBeforeDelta is Notary contract method and sets the maximum NotValidBefore delta.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="engine">ApplicationEngine</param>
/// <param name="value">Value</param>
[ContractMethod(CpuFee = 1 << 15, RequiredCallFlags = CallFlags.States)]
private void SetMaxNotValidBeforeDelta(ApplicationEngine engine, uint value)
if (value > engine.ProtocolSettings.MaxValidUntilBlockIncrement / 2 || value < ProtocolSettings.Default.ValidatorsCount) throw new FormatException(string.Format("MaxNotValidBeforeDelta cannot be more than {0} or less than {1}", engine.ProtocolSettings.MaxValidUntilBlockIncrement / 2, ProtocolSettings.Default.ValidatorsCount));
if (!CheckCommittee(engine)) throw new InvalidOperationException();

/// <summary>
/// GetNotaryNodes returns public keys of notary nodes.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="snapshot">DataCache</param>
/// <returns>Public keys of notary nodes.</returns>
private ECPoint[] GetNotaryNodes(DataCache snapshot)
return RoleManagement.GetDesignatedByRole(snapshot, Role.P2PNotary, Ledger.CurrentIndex(snapshot) + 1);

/// <summary>
/// GetDepositFor returns state.Deposit for the specified account or nil in case if deposit
/// is not found in storage.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="snapshot"></param>
/// <param name="acc"></param>
/// <returns>Deposit for the specified account.</returns>
private Deposit GetDepositFor(DataCache snapshot, UInt160 acc)
return snapshot.TryGet(CreateStorageKey(Prefix_Deposit).Add(acc.ToArray()))?.GetInteroperable<Deposit>();

/// <summary>
/// PutDepositFor puts deposit on the balance of the specified account in the storage.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="engine">ApplicationEngine</param>
/// <param name="acc">Account</param>
/// <param name="deposit">deposit</param>
private void PutDepositFor(ApplicationEngine engine, UInt160 acc, Deposit deposit)
var indeposit = engine.Snapshot.GetAndChange(CreateStorageKey(Prefix_Deposit).Add(acc.ToArray()), () => new StorageItem(deposit));
indeposit.Value = new StorageItem(deposit).Value;

/// <summary>
/// RemoveDepositFor removes deposit from the storage.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="snapshot">DataCache</param>
/// <param name="acc">Account</param>
private void RemoveDepositFor(DataCache snapshot, UInt160 acc)

/// <summary>
/// CalculateNotaryReward calculates the reward for a single notary node based on FEE's count and Notary nodes count.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="snapshot">DataCache</param>
/// <param name="nFees"></param>
/// <param name="notariesCount"></param>
/// <returns>result</returns>
private long CalculateNotaryReward(DataCache snapshot, long nFees, int notariesCount)
return (nFees * Policy.GetAttributeFee(snapshot, (byte)TransactionAttributeType.NotaryAssisted)) / notariesCount;

public class Deposit : IInteroperable
public BigInteger Amount;
public uint Till;

public void FromStackItem(StackItem stackItem)
Struct @struct = (Struct)stackItem;
Amount = @struct[0].GetInteger();
Till = (uint)@struct[1].GetInteger();

public StackItem ToStackItem(ReferenceCounter referenceCounter)
return new Struct(referenceCounter) { Amount, Till };
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
using Neo.SmartContract;
using Neo.SmartContract.Native;
using Neo.VM;
using Neo.VM.Types;
using System.IO;
using System.Numerics;

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -48,12 +49,17 @@ public void SerializeUnsigned(BinaryWriter writer) { }

public static bool Transfer(this NativeContract contract, DataCache snapshot, byte[] from, byte[] to, BigInteger amount, bool signFrom, Block persistingBlock)
return Transfer(contract, snapshot, from, to, amount, signFrom, persistingBlock, null);

public static bool Transfer(this NativeContract contract, DataCache snapshot, byte[] from, byte[] to, BigInteger amount, bool signFrom, Block persistingBlock, params object[] data)
using var engine = ApplicationEngine.Create(TriggerType.Application,
new ManualWitness(signFrom ? new UInt160(from) : null), snapshot, persistingBlock, settings: TestBlockchain.TheNeoSystem.Settings);

using var script = new ScriptBuilder();
script.EmitDynamicCall(contract.Hash, "transfer", from, to, amount, null);
script.EmitDynamicCall(contract.Hash, "transfer", from, to, amount, data);

if (engine.Execute() == VMState.FAULT)
Expand Down

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