This repo is no longer maintained. I've started a new data cache which uses FlatBuffers: fcache.
NemesisDB is an in-memory database using JSON over websockets. There are APIs for:
- Key values
- Arrays
- Lists
- A JSON key is mapped to its value
- Keys cannot expire, they must be deleted by command
- A future update will add key expiry
These are fixed sized arrays, implemented in contigious memory, with versions for:
- Unsorted arrays for integers, strings and JSON objects
- Sorted arrays for integers and strings
A node based linked list for JSON objects:
- Common features plus splicing
- More features will be added
The Nemesis API docs have fallen behind after many recent changes, but the Python docs are current.
There is an early version of a Python API with docs here.
from ndb.client import NdbClient
from ndb.kv import KV
client = NdbClient()
await client.open('ws://')
kv = KV(client)
await kv.set({'username':'billy', 'password':'billy_password'})
username = await kv.get(key='username')
print (username) # billy
values = await kv.get(keys=('username','password'))
print (values) # {'password':'billy_password', 'username':'billy'}
Sorted integer array:
from ndb.client import NdbClient
from ndb.arrays import SortedIntArrays
client = NdbClient()
await client.open('ws://')
sortedInts = SortedIntArrays(client)
await sortedInts.create('array1', capacity=5)
await sortedInts.create('array2', capacity=6)
await sortedInts.set_rng('array1', [25,10,50,100,80])
await sortedInts.set_rng('array2', [10,25,100,120,200,5])
intersected = await sortedInts.intersect('array1', 'array2')
print(intersected) # [10,25,100]
Object list:
from ndb.client import NdbClient
from ndb.lists import ObjLists
client = NdbClient()
await client.open('ws://')
lists = ObjLists(client)
await lists.create('names')
# add 3 items
await lists.add('names', [{'name':'James'}, {'name':'Jane'}, {'name':'John'}])
# add new head (Jack, James, Jane, John)
await lists.add_head('names', {'name':'Jack'})
# overwrite Jane and John (Jack, James, Brian, Bryan)
await lists.set('names', [{'name':'Brian'},{'name':'Bryan'}], start=2)
# splice Brian and Bryan to a newly created list
await lists.splice(destName='other_names', srcName='names', srcStart=2, srcEnd=4)
print(await lists.get_rng('names', start=0)) # [{'name': 'Jack'}, {'name': 'James'}]
print(await lists.get_rng('other_names', start=0)) #[{'name': 'Brian'}, {'name': 'Bryan'}]
NemesisDB is available as a Debian package and Docker image:
- Package: Releases
- Docker: Docker Hub
You can compile for Linux, instructions below.
Key values can be saved to file and restored at either runtime or at startup in the command line.
C++20 required.
- Clone via SSH with submodules:
git clone --recursive git@github.com:nemesisdb/nemesisdb.git
- Prepare and grab vcpkg libs:
cd nemesisdb && ./prepare_vcpkg.sh
- With VS Code (assuming you have C/C++ and CMake extensions):
code .
- Select kit (tested with GCC 12.3 and GCC 13.1)
- Select Release variant
- Select target as nemesisdb
- Build
- Binary is in
After installing via dpkg:
cd /usr/local/bin/nemesisdb
- Then
cd <version>
After build:
cd <clone_location>/server/Release/bin
In both cases, start server listening on
and persistence disabled:
./nemesisdb --config=default.jsonc
to exit.
Externals are either GitHub submodules or managed by vcpkg.
- uWebsockets : WebSocket server
- jsoncons : json
- ankerl::unordered_dense for map and segmented map
- plog : logging
- uuid_v4 : create UUIDs with SIMD
- Boost Program Options : argv options
Tests Client (will be replaced with Python):
- nlohmann json
- Boost Beast (WebSocket client)
- Google test