This project is aimed to become a replacement for Rating Update.
It is currently being hosted at
- Rust (cargo)
- Postgres
- Redis
- Node.js
- Steam
- Rocket 0.5 => Axum
- Sqlite3 => Postgres with Diesel ORM
- Handlebars (the templated frontend) => React
- Rating algorithm
- Redis for temporary data.
A Steam account that owns GGST needs to be authenticated and the client running.
If you're not using a GUI, use scripts/
to start an Xvfb/x11vnc session and VNC into localhost:0 to log in.
To be able to start on boot, you will need to check "Remember me".
A postgresql server needs to be available, set the DATABASE_URL in your .env file accordingly.
eg. DATABASE_URL="postgresql://user:password@localhost/puddle_farm"
A Redis server also needs to be running. Set REDIS_URL:
eg. REDIS_URL="tcp://localhost:11211"
Install diesel_cli, and create the database:
cargo install diesel_cli
source .env
diesel --database-url "${DATABASE_URL}" migration run
cargo run
to start the server.
cargo run pull
will run the timed jobs continuously: grab replay, update ratings, update ranking, update redis, etc.
cargo run hourly
runs the hourly jobs once, then exits.
To generate a new
diesel_ext -d "Selectable, Insertable, Queryable" > src\
Some imports will need to be added to this file again.
To start the front end web server:
cd frontend
npm install
npm start
Release versions can be built with:
cargo build --release
cd frontend
npm install
npm run build
Then copy frontend/build/*
to your web server's root.
There is an nginx configuration example available: nginx.conf.example
Once it's configured and can run, it is possible to have it start on boot.
Edit the user and paths in the service files, and then copy them:
sudo cp systemd/* /etc/systemd/system/
sudo systemctl enable pf-x.service
sudo systemctl enable pf-web.service
sudo systemctl enable pf-pull.service
sudo systemctl enable nginx.service
Steam needs to automatically log into a user when it starts for this to work.