Works with Magento 2.1.x, 2.2.x (haven't tested in 2.3.x);
Adds global script on site
Send cart items along with order data on success page
- download module
- Upload it to magento root directory
- then from cli. bin/magento setup:upgrade
- bin/magento setup:di:compile
- bin/magento setup:static:content:deploy {your stores/themes}
- bin/magento cache:flush
Navigate to stores->configuration->Skytech->Skroutz Analytics Adjust to your needs.
Account Id -> your account id from skroutz Tracking Script -> Don't forget to add your account id on tracking script here
I made it this way so its easy to add logic to the script if skroutz updates in the future without the need of a developer and If skroutz adds need features I can have the account id to add it where I need.
You are free to use this as you like. I do not take any responsibility if your site gets downtime, catastrophic failure or any other damage from this module. This module is under GNU Free Licence.