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VGG Image Annotator

VGG Image Annotator (VIA) is an open source project developed at the Visual Geometry Group and released under the BSD-2 clause license. This work is supported by EPSRC programme grant Seebibyte: Visual Search for the Era of Big Data (EP/M013774/1). Visit the VGG software page for more details.

VGG Face Annotator (VFA) is a fork of VIA adapated for marking and tagging facial regions.


  • based solely on HTML, CSS and Javascript (no external javascript libraries)
  • can be used off-line (full application in a single html file of size < 200KB)
  • requires nothing more than a modern web browser (tested on Firefox, Chrome and Safari)
  • supported region shapes: rectangle, circle, ellipse, polygon and point
  • import/export of region data in csv and json file format




Developer Resources

For development, via.js contains the Javascript source code and index.html contains the HTML and CSS. The shell script packs the VIA application into a single and standalone application file via.html containing the Javascript, HTML and CSS.

The Quality Assessment page describes the guidelines to ensure the quality of VIA application, source code and its documentation.

Software bug reports and feature requests should be submitted here (requires gitlab account). For all other queries, please contact Abhishek Dutta.


VIA is an open source project released under the BSD-2 clause license.


Abhishek Dutta
Aug. 31, 2016


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