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lspitzner committed Mar 1, 2024
1 parent e2e1275 commit 8c1e3ab
Showing 1 changed file with 12 additions and 10 deletions.
22 changes: 12 additions & 10 deletions src/Ghcid.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -289,11 +289,11 @@ runGhcid :: Session -> Waiter -> IO TermSize -> ([String] -> IO ()) -> Options -
runGhcid session waiter termSize termOutput opts@Options{..} = do
let limitMessages = maybe id (take . max 1) max_messages

let outputFill :: String -> Maybe (Int, [Load]) -> [EvalResult] -> [String] -> IO ()
let outputFill :: String -> Maybe (Int, Int, Int, [Load]) -> [EvalResult] -> [String] -> IO ()
outputFill currTime load evals msg = do
load <- pure $ case load of
Nothing -> []
Just (loadedCount, msgs) -> prettyOutput False currTime loadedCount (filter isMessage msgs) evals
Just (loadedCount, countErr, countWarn, msgs) -> prettyOutput False currTime loadedCount countErr countWarn (filter isMessage msgs) evals
TermSize{..} <- termSize
let wrap = concatMap (wordWrapE termWidth (termWidth `div` 5) . Esc)
(msg, load, pad) <-
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -373,21 +373,21 @@ runGhcid session waiter termSize termOutput opts@Options{..} = do

-- order and restrict the messages
-- nubOrdOn loadMessage because module cycles generate the same message at several different locations
ordMessages <- do
(ordMessages, countErr, countWarn) <- do
let (msgError, msgWarn) = partition ((==) Error . loadSeverity) $ nubOrdOn loadMessage $ filter isMessage messages
-- sort error messages by modtime, so newer edits cause the errors to float to the top - see #153
errTimes <- sequence [(x,) <$> getModTime x | x <- nubOrd $ map loadFile msgError]
let f x = lookup (loadFile x) errTimes
moduleSorted = sortOn (Down . f) msgError ++ msgWarn
pure $ (if reverse_errors then reverse else id) moduleSorted
pure $ (if reverse_errors then reverse moduleSorted else moduleSorted, length msgError, length msgWarn)

outputFill currTime (Just (loadedCount, ordMessages)) evals [test_message | isJust test]
outputFill currTime (Just (loadedCount, countErr, countWarn, ordMessages)) evals [test_message | isJust test]
forM_ outputfile $ \file ->
writeFile file $
if takeExtension file == ".json" then
showJSON [("loaded",map jString loaded),("messages",map jMessage $ filter isMessage messages)]
unlines $ map unescape $ prettyOutput forceAbsolutePaths currTime loadedCount (limitMessages ordMessages) evals
unlines $ map unescape $ prettyOutput forceAbsolutePaths currTime loadedCount countErr countWarn (limitMessages ordMessages) evals
when (null loaded && not ignoreLoaded) $ do
putStrLn "No files loaded, nothing to wait for. Fix the last error and restart."
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -440,12 +440,14 @@ runGhcid session waiter termSize termOutput opts@Options{..} = do
-- will be replaced by absolute paths provided in the loadFile field.
-- False ~ "keep the exact output from ghci" and
-- True ~ "paths will be replaced by absolute paths to help downstream tooling"
prettyOutput :: Bool -> String -> Int -> [Load] -> [EvalResult] -> [String]
prettyOutput _replacePaths currTime loadedCount [] evals =
prettyOutput :: Bool -> String -> Int -> Int -> Int -> [Load] -> [EvalResult] -> [String]
prettyOutput _replacePaths currTime loadedCount _countErr _countWarn [] evals =
(allGoodMessage ++ " (" ++ show loadedCount ++ " module" ++ ['s' | loadedCount /= 1] ++ ", at " ++ currTime ++ ")")
: concatMap printEval evals
prettyOutput replacePaths _ _ xs evals =
messageLines ++ concatMap printEval evals
prettyOutput replacePaths _ _ countErr countWarn xs evals =
["Total: " ++ show countErr ++ " errors, " ++ show countWarn ++ " warnings"]
++ messageLines
++ concatMap printEval evals
messageLines =
[ case l of
Expand Down

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