Performs robust principal component analysis (RPCA), computationally efficient truncated RPCA, and L2 regularization for noise reduction. RPCA introduced by Candes et al. (2011) recovers the low-rank and sparse components from the input data, using Principal Component Pursuit. We have proposed two extensions of RPCA that are computationally efficient and reduce noise inherent in high-dimensional genomic data. Truncated RPCA enables application of RPCA for large datasets by only using the adaptively selected top k singular vectors. We have also implemented L2 regularization to reduce noise with an application to single cell RNA-seq. This tRPCA with L2 regularization effectively decomposes the input data into low-rank, sparse, and noise components.
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Gogolewski K.*, Sykulski M.*, Chung N.C., Gambin A. (2018) Truncated Robust Principal Component Analysis and Noise Reduction for Single Cell RNA-seq Data. ISBRA 2018. Lecture Notes in Computer Science.
Candes, E. J., Li, X., Ma, Y., Wright, J. (2011) Robust principal component analysis? JACM