Sample springboot REST application
- Maven
- JDK 8
This project uses maven as the build and packaging tool
mvn install javadoc:javadoc
after completing the above command the generated java doc will be under /target/site/apidocs/
To start the server simply type from the root directory spring boot application uses http://localhost:9090
mvn spring-boot:run
Alternatively if you have Docker installed you can start the application in a docker container which exposes port 9090
Note: will start a clean build and regenerate the java docs
A Postman collection is included under /src/tes/resources folder.
Home controller command:
$ curl localhost:9090
Other commands
Each cURL command can be easily generated via the included Postman collection
- locate the right label titled: "Generate Code"
- From the resulting pop up "Generate Code Snippet" window, locate on the left side a combo box and choose cURL option.