See for a barebones system installation
See instater for documentation on the tool used to manage these dotfiles.
On a clean arch installation, as root (or with sudo) run the following (instater will prompt for the user password)
pacman -Sy git
# assuming no users are created and yay is not installed
cd /tmp
git clone
chown -R nobody instater
cd instater
pacman -Sy python-jinja python-passlib python-rich python-yaml
pacman -Sy python-build python-install python-setuptools python-wheel
sudo -u nobody makepkg
pacman -U instater-0.10.0-1-any.pkg.tar.zst
# if yay is installed
yay -Sy instater
# run instater to run all the tasks included in these dotfiles
git clone
cd dotfiles
instater --vars "install_model=dell-xps-7590"
The install_model
variable defaults to virtualbox
After instater is run for the first time, it creates a
(or similar) script within /usr/local/bin
that can be
invoked directly (with sudo) rather than calling instater.
For example:
sudo setup-dell-xps-7590
sudo setup-dell-xps-7590 --dry-run # dry run and show the expected changes
sudo setup-dell-xps-7590 --tags zsh # only run tasks with a particular tag