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An Elixir project to get pairing matrix for your team

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An Elixir project to get pairing matrix for your team

Currently it supports three endpoints:

  1. http://localhost:4000/api/teams/:team_id/members : this endpint is used to configure team member names, xpar will try to look for these names in commit message.

  2. http://localhost:4000/api/teams/:team_id/repos : this endpoint is used to configure all of the repositories from which commit messages are to be read for a given team.

  3. http://localhost:4000/api/teams/knav/pairing-matrix : this endpoint is used to retrieve pairing information for above configured team members and repositories.

Example: I have added sample project in bitbucket named as "pairing-demo" for user "knav", you can play around with application by providing following data:

Add team members:

POST http://localhost:4000/api/teams/knav/members BODY: { "id": "knav", "members": ["naveen","naveen1","naveen2","naveen3", "naveen4","rin", "alex"] }

Add Repositores to watch for commits

POST: http://localhost:4000/api/teams/knav/repos { "id": "knav", "repos": ["pairing-demo"] }

Get pairing matrix GET: http://localhost:4000/api/teams/knav/pairing-matrix Response: [ { "percent": 20, "pair": { "second": "naveen2", "first": "naveen" }, "days_paired": 1 }, { "percent": 40, "pair": { "second": "naveen3", "first": "naveen1" }, "days_paired": 2 }, { "percent": 20, "pair": { "second": "naveen4", "first": "naveen3" }, "days_paired": 1 }, { "percent": 20, "pair": { "second": "alex", "first": "rin" }, "days_paired": 1 } ]

You can also view Paring matrix after starting application, currently and then go to http://localhost4000/ in your browser. Currently home page is naivly designed and needs further (a lot) improvement.

To start your Phoenix server:

  • Install dependencies with mix deps.get
  • Install Node.js dependencies with cd assets && npm install
  • Start Phoenix endpoint with mix phx.server

Now you can visit localhost:4000 from your browser.

Ready to run in production? Please check our deployment guides.

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An Elixir project to get pairing matrix for your team






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