This is a source repository of slide show presentations.
If you wish to view the slideshows, follow this link.
If you are familiar with GitHub then issue a pull request. If you are an end user of this conetent then I wil be happy to give you the power to directly edit the source documents in the web browser.
Install GitHub ( or git ) and clone the repository.
* Use the "Clone In Desktop" button form this page
* -OR-
* use git clone
on the command line
Install node.js in the correct way for your platform
Install the Grunt command line interface globally (in a command line)
* > npm install grunt-cli -g
Install all of the project dependencies
* > npm install
Run the default grunt task to generate the build
* > grunt
Open one of the slideshows from the build folder
* Double click the file \presentations\build\beginner_guides\programmer_talk\index.html
* The content of this is sildeshow is from \presentations\src\markdown\beginner_guides\
- Run the Grunt task again if you make changes to the source
mardown file> grunt