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This repository was archived by the owner on Jul 30, 2024. It is now read-only.


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A website to showcase custom keycap designs.

Articles and Article Types

There are three main content folders:

  • /articles/ - used for sub pages (not really used)
  • /keys/ - used for individual key entries
  • /gbs/ - used for group buys

A new folder has to be added for each entry and the content has to be a file named


Code Name

There is a naming format for keys. It shoudl be used for all identifying folders and files. This is never seen on the website, it's just used inside of the website generation.

[design]-[base color]-[legend color]-[profile type]

example: v12-bfk-yy-sa1
example: mininuke-ra-wa-dsa

The image for the key will be found in the folder \contents\singlekeys\.


There are some manditory fields to make the templates work.

title: Mini Nuke
profile: SA Row 1
colorway: Special Fat Man
base: VV # Signiture Plastics color code
legend: YY # Signiture Plastics color code
author: 00keys # Always use 00keys
date: 2016-04-01 # Date added to website
code: mininuke-vv-yy-sa1 # The code name
id: 708 # 700 = Glowing One, SA1 # ID for  Custom sorting logic
tags: SA Row 1, Mini Nuke, The Megaton Vault Drop GB, Special Fat Man # Comma seperated list for tags
template: key.jade # Rendering template

Desgin Descriptions

There is a folder named /keyinfo/ where you can put a markdown files with the design codename e.g. This will be added to each key page that uses that as the design part of it's code e.g. mininuke-vv-yy-sa1.

Color Descriptions

There is a folder named /colorinfo/ where you can put a markdown files with the color codename e.g. This will be added to each key page that uses that as the design part of it's code e.g. v87-bfk-yy-dsa.


Code Name

A GB needs an identifier wich can work as a file name e.g. glowingone. This is never seen on the website, it's just used inside of the website generation.


A GB has some complex front matter to allow the automatic generation of the GB page.

title: The Megaton Vault Drop # The name seen on the website
author: 00keys # Always use 00keys
date: 2016-04-01 # Date added to website
gbtag: The Megaton Vault Drop GB # Match an entry used in the 'tags' of the keys
code: glowingone # The code name
offers: # A lis of objects with each 'kit' in the GB
    - img: sa1
      name: SA Row 1 Kit
      price: 40
        - SA Row 1
    - img: sa3            # The section to locate the image '\contents\gbs\glowingone-sa3'
      name: SA Row 3 Kit  # The name of the kit which is seen on the website
      price: 40           # The price in USD
      tagfilter:          # A list of tags to filter content by
        - SA Row 3        # All content will match 'gbtag' and all tags in this list
    - img: dsa
      name: DSA Kit
      price: 40
        - DSA
iclinks: # A list of objects with interest check links
    - name: Interst Check
    - name: /r/mechmarket Interst Check # The name seens on the website
      url:       # The URL that will be used
gblinks: # The same as iclinks, but for Group Buys
    - name:
template: groupbuy.jade # Rendering template


At the moment the only image type excpected in the templates is .png.

There is a dedicated gallery page which shows a carousel of images. This feature can also be at the bottom of the individual key pages. The data all comes from gallery\ where there is a section to list an image with a credit and a list of the codenames of keys that are featured in the image.

  - src:
    title: Fallout Family
    credit: Nathan Ross Powell
      - mininuke-ra-wa-dsa
      - mininuke-rn-tm-sa3
      - mininuke-rn-tm-sa1
      - mininuke-rn-tm-dsa
      - v111-gsm-yce-dsa
      - v111-gsm-yce-sa3
      - v111-gsm-yce-sa1
      - nukacola-ra-wa-dsa
      - nukacola-polyblue-wa-dsa
  - src:
    title: Vault 101 in Jumpsuit Colors
    credit: Nathan Ross Powell
      - v101-bfk-yy-sa3

For each keycode listed in keys, the image will be shown on the individual key page.


This repository is linked to a wercker application that will automatically deploy any changes that are made.

This works for both edit mades in-browser viavia and all pushes. If you need to be a contributor, you can be added to the white list so you can make instant edits.

Local Install

This project uses Wintersmith which is a static site generator based on Node.js. Automation is handled via Grunt.

  1. Set up Node.js and Node Package Manager on your machine(npm). Search the web for steps on that.
  2. Clone this repository
    • git clone in the command line
    • or, use the "Save To Your Computer" button if you have GitHub Desktop installed (recommended step for Windows users)
  3. Open a command promt inside the 00keys director
    • GitHub Desktop users can use the "Open in Git Shell" option from the setting menu (cog icon)
  4. Install all the dependencies
    • npm install -g wintersmith grunt-cli; npm install in the command promt
    • or, Windows users can use .\windows_install.bat
  5. Launch the local server with wintersmith preview
  6. Open a web browser and go to localhost:8080/00keys