Locate celestial objects in the sky by name.
Built on the excellent skyfield library. Wikipedia is used for name lookup.
Install the following dependencies:
pip install skyfield pandas beautifulsoup4 wikipedia
./skygazr.py --time "2020-10-03T00:35:20.381" --body "Betelgeuse"
To see Betelgeuse, look up 07deg 03' 38.5", and use a real compass to point to 86deg 28' 34.3" clockwise of North.
Relative to you, Betelgeuse is traveling 30.23 km/s ([11.24 27.63 4.92] velocity) and is 4.044e+15 km away from you.
If it's a planet or star in the Hipparcos Catalogue, will also show relative speed and distance. Constellations are unsupported.
Fun targets:
"61 Cygni"
"Sagittarius A"
"Messier 87"
"Jupiter Barycenter"